I Had A Dream About My (Dead) Brother-Not So Good


New Member
I don't know what to think of this dream or if I am thinking about it too much.

A while back if some of you remember, I posted being scared to turn off the lights/tv off at night because my brother died last new year's eve and I was scared that his ghost (or other demons) would come to me and scare the crap out of me.

Well (ironically) a little while after his death I would ask GOD to show me a sign that he was in 'the right place.' So last night I had a dream that my brother came back (but I never saw his face) and told me he was back because he had to try and get into heaven. That he had to do some things over the course of the week because he initially did not get to heaven in the first place. Everyone in my family acted as though he was normal, but when I asked my grandmother in the dream (a very christian woman) why he was back she just simply replied "Not everyone believes in death."

Was this my sign? If my brother in 'the wrong place?' As I typed that last sentence something in my heart told me that he was not in the wrong place and I really do believe he is in the right place, but this dream weirded me out so bad. Should I discard it? I keep thinking about it.
Don't discard the dream. I don't know what to tell you that it may mean, but continue to ask the Lord for clarity.

Don't be afraid.
StrawberryQueen said:
Don't discard the dream. I don't know what to tell you that it may mean, but continue to ask the Lord for clarity.

Don't be afraid.

Girl, thank you for replying. I will continue to pray about it. But sometimes I get confused about the answer that GOD gives me versus what I want to think. Then I keep thinking, what if that was GOD's answer.. I don't know. I need to pray on that too.
I usually go with my gut instinct. Cause after I rethink 50-11 times it's all muddled. I agree with SQ, pray for clarity and leave it in God's hands, because you can't do a thing about it now anyway!
StrawberryQueen said:
Don't discard the dream. I don't know what to tell you that it may mean, but continue to ask the Lord for clarity.

Don't be afraid.

Exactly. If you're not sure whether you're hearing God's voice, that means you guys aren't talking enough. Spend time talking with Him, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Pray over the situation, voicing your concerns.

And I agree that there's nothing to fear. That's not the spirit that God gave us. Understand that either way, you must make peace with this. So, I would begin that process so that you're mentally in a place to be able to accept God's will, whatever that may be.

You may also want to consider speaking a Christian counselor who may be able to add some insight on how this and other events in your life are related.

God bless!
Divine Inspiration said:
Exactly. If you're not sure whether you're hearing God's voice, that means you guys aren't talking enough. Spend time talking with Him, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Pray over the situation, voicing your concerns.

And I agree that there's nothing to fear. That's not the spirit that God gave us. Understand that either way, you must make peace with this. So, I would begin that process so that you're mentally in a place to be able to accept God's will, whatever that may be.

You may also want to consider speaking a Christian counselor who may be able to add some insight on how this and other events in your life are related.

God bless!

Great advice, although I thought my relationship with GOD was pretty good. But I must agree with you, if the message is getting somehow muffled then maybe something isn't right. Thank you!

Also CRLSweetie thank you mama!:)