I got weave-checked this weekend...


New Member
I feel like only the ladies of LHCF can understand this :lachen:

I got weave checked back in 2007...I was wearing a straight APL-BSL weave with bangs. I loved it, but it felt a little wiggy. This really cute guy (who is now in the NBA) came up to me at a party and we started dancing, then we talked for a few minutes and he walked away. A few minutes later, I felt this really heavy hand on top of my head, and he dragged it ALLLLL the way down my head. I could feel it rolling over the tracks, man :lachen:and I was like awwww, man, NO HE DIDN'T!

But now...I haven't had a weave since then. (IDK, maybe I was traumatized by it?) So Saturday my bestie and I went to a Que party, and while I was outside one of the bruhs asked if he could play with my hair when we got inside. I asked him why the hell he would wanna do that, and he said "because your hair looks so...playful" and proceeded to stick his hand up into my scalp! I mean...from nape to crown! I was so shocked I didn't know what to do, but then I realized what was going on and got even more confused. I mean, it was just a wash n go. I didn't freak though, because of course I knew he wouldn't find any tracks. And then he began to smile. :ohwell: :perplexed

I think if it happens again I'll be more prone to slapping his hand away. Or slapping his face.
My initial reaction would be to slap the snot out of someone who did this...I don't know how people let people do this and don't resort to violence :look:
My initial reaction would be to slap the snot out of someone who did this...I don't know how people let people do this and don't resort to violence :look:
There was definitely a little voice in my head sounding the slap alarm. Like...:hardslap: that hard. I was so stunned I couldn't move.
Slappped!! and oops up side the head:lachen:. I can't stand when people do that. Touching my face is another thing i don't like but gettin weaved checked. ahh hell naw!
okay i'm back cool now. i just had a moment.:look:
That's actually kind of funny.

Sigh...I can't wait to get weave checked.

But my hair is 4a/b and no one believes anyone in their right mind would get a weave in that texture. So I guess it'll never happen.
I've been weave checked all my life until I get to APL last year. After this point, they just assume it is wig:lachen:
Do people feel on white girl's breasts because they look squeezable to check for implants? Why do people feel so free to put their hands in your hair?
LOL! It is funny.
I've been asked if my hair is a weave (curly rollersets) or braids(lol, this is hilarious because my new growth coils up a lot and when I do a bun, it looks like tiny braids (with only an inch braided, pulled into a bun).

I wonder if anyone would have the courage to put their dirty hands in my hair... I wonder how I'd react. I hope it doesn't happen though, lol.
I have been asked permission but I remember one crazy time when some fool actually "blew" his hot stank a** breath in my hair trying to see if it was real....
:cry: I wanna get weave checked too!

Ummm ok:ohwell: just read through your post I wanna get weave checked without the Shrek fingers in my hair, just piercing gaze at my scalp, thank you:yawn:
and see...that's the thing. if i was BSL or something i would kind of expect it. but...dude. my hair is NL unstretched.

To the bolded apparently length does not matter if it looks healthy and beautiful!....I got weave checked about 7 or so years ago when I was a about chin length....albeit my hair use to look like a wig when it was shorter (I use to rollerset in small rollers for the curly look and for some reason that day it was very silky and shiny looking) What was weirder, I got weave checked by an Hispanic associate (FOINE btw and married!) who was a subcontractor on the construction job I was working on at the time.........I use to have a very very bad aversion to being touched anywhere on my person by mere acquaintances so you could only imagine my thoughts at the time!!!!! :nono:
Try getting weave checked and having 'short' hair. I swear sometimes people are just bold in the dumbest things. Even if those that wear weave, what business is it of anyones to ask, but worse TOUCH!
I feel like only the ladies of LHCF can understand this :lachen:

I got weave checked back in 2007...I was wearing a straight APL-BSL weave with bangs. I loved it, but it felt a little wiggy. This really cute guy (who is now in the NBA) came up to me at a party and we started dancing, then we talked for a few minutes and he walked away. A few minutes later, I felt this really heavy hand on top of my head, and he dragged it ALLLLL the way down my head. I could feel it rolling over the tracks, man :lachen:and I was like awwww, man, NO HE DIDN'T!

But now...I haven't had a weave since then. (IDK, maybe I was traumatized by it?) So Saturday my bestie and I went to a Que party, and while I was outside one of the bruhs asked if he could play with my hair when we got inside. I asked him why the hell he would wanna do that, and he said "because your hair looks so...playful" and proceeded to stick his hand up into my scalp! I mean...from nape to crown! I was so shocked I didn't know what to do, but then I realized what was going on and got even more confused. I mean, it was just a wash n go. I didn't freak though, because of course I knew he wouldn't find any tracks. And then he began to smile. :ohwell: :perplexed

I think if it happens again I'll be more prone to slapping his hand away. Or slapping his face.

What is the world coming to when a black man gets happy because he finds out you're wearing your real hair? :lachen:
I wear a curly pony tail sometimes and when I first started wearing it my co-worker was like "oh your hair's so cute it looks so bouncy" and proceeds to pull on a curl while asking to touch it. I was thinking "lady you're lucky this isn't my hair" and "why you gonna ask if your hand is already in my head?" :lachen:
What is the world coming to when a black man gets happy because he finds out you're wearing your real hair? :lachen:

The first time my "friend" saw my hair straight he almost fell out. I've known him for over a year and he's never seen my hair straight. It shrinks to above shoulder length so he assumed it was short. He raved for over 15 minutes about how long and thick my hair was. I was thinkin "you need to go on LHCF and see some of these women my hair is nothing compared to theirs." A few weeks later I had my hair trimmed and he is still pissed about it months later.
Last summer my hair was CBL and recently done so it was blowing in the wind. I went into a store in the hood and at the checkout the cashier started a conversation about my hair:
Cashier #1: Is that your hair?
Me: :ohwell:Yes.
Cashier #2: You can tell that's her hair by the part in her hair.
Then the cashiers had a discussion about hair and of course I am not really being helped. Then a male cashier came up
Male cashier: Can I touch your hair?
Me: :perplexed....no

I got up out of their with a quickness.It was very weird...
I feel like only the ladies of LHCF can understand this :lachen:

I got weave checked back in 2007...I was wearing a straight APL-BSL weave with bangs. I loved it, but it felt a little wiggy. This really cute guy (who is now in the NBA) came up to me at a party and we started dancing, then we talked for a few minutes and he walked away. A few minutes later, I felt this really heavy hand on top of my head, and he dragged it ALLLLL the way down my head. I could feel it rolling over the tracks, man :lachen:and I was like awwww, man, NO HE DIDN'T!

But now...I haven't had a weave since then. (IDK, maybe I was traumatized by it?) So Saturday my bestie and I went to a Que party, and while I was outside one of the bruhs asked if he could play with my hair when we got inside. I asked him why the hell he would wanna do that, and he said "because your hair looks so...playful" and proceeded to stick his hand up into my scalp! I mean...from nape to crown! I was so shocked I didn't know what to do, but then I realized what was going on and got even more confused. I mean, it was just a wash n go. I didn't freak though, because of course I knew he wouldn't find any tracks. And then he began to smile. :ohwell: :perplexed

I think if it happens again I'll be more prone to slapping his hand away. Or slapping his face.

First of all, congratulations on your weave check.:grin: Secondly, the next time it happens it's best to bob and weave (no pun intended) like a boxer and then commence to slapping and moving forward with the knees. All the while looking graceful like a ballet dancer. :yep:

These stories almost have a sexual assult type of feel to them. :perplexed
My initial reaction would be to slap the snot out of someone who did this...I don't know how people let people do this and don't resort to violence :look:

It's never happened to me but I can imagine that it happens so fast and it's so shocking and makes you feel so vulnerable that your reaction time is slow.