I got sores all in my head!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bublnbrnsuga
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I am natural, so I don't understand why I am getting these sores in my head. My scalp is moisturized and I use water daily for hydration. On occassion, I may scratch in my head,but who doesn't? Could this be the reason for the sores? Should I look a bit deeper to see what may be the culprit?
It is possible that scratching could lead to sores, because our hands come into contact with lots of germs and that could cause an infection. You might also be allergic to a product?

Last summer I thought that the cause of my sores were dandruff, although I didn't notice much flakes on my head and the spot that there were in was not one that itched, so I used the nizoral shampoo (it was drying) and started using sulfer 8. That helped some and they eventually stopped but I don't think dandruff was the true cause because when I went to the dermatologist last fall, he told me that that the cause of the flaking skin on my forehead was was eczema (spelling??) and the other breakouts on other parts of my body was acne. I never asked him about my scalp but I know other members have reported that they have had breakouts on their scalp.

I didn't think of it at the time, but the reason why I suspect eczema/acne was the cause now, is because I did an internal cleansing program, and one of the benefits was controlling acne. Months later I still have very few breakouts and no sores on my head (I haven't used sulfer 8 in months).
Jaelin said:
It is possible that scratching could lead to sores, because our hands come into contact with lots of germs and that could cause an infection. You might also be allergic to a product?

Last summer I thought that the cause of my sores were dandruff, although I didn't notice much flakes on my head and the spot that there were in was not one that itched, so I used the nizoral shampoo (it was drying) and started using sulfer 8. That helped some and they eventually stopped but I don't think dandruff was the true cause because when I went to the dermatologist last fall, he told me that that the cause of the flaking skin on my forehead was was eczema (spelling??) and the other breakouts on other parts of my body was acne. I never asked him about my scalp but I know other members have reported that they have had breakouts on their scalp.

I didn't think of it at the time, but the reason why I suspect eczema/acne was the cause now, is because I did an internal cleansing program, and one of the benefits was controlling acne. Months later I still have very few breakouts and no sores on my head (I haven't used sulfer 8 in months).

What she said and also how often do you shampoo or conditioner wash? I get sores when I've gone too long without a shampoo. I also have eczema.
Make sure to keep your scalp really clean, and don't scratch with your fingernails. Try to rub with the pads of your fingers instead.
I don't have any suggestions. I just wanted to say that I hope your problem clears up quickly.
Bublin, I think it may be the kind of moisturizer you are using? You might be having a allergic reaction. Also have you thought about doing a final rise with distilled water? Also I had the same problem before becuase I use to have eczema really bad when I was little. But I remember my mother just greasing my scalp more often and the dry scalp went away.
I wish I had some suggestions to help you. I'm sorry you are having this problem and I hope you get a solution quickly.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
I am natural, so I don't understand why I am getting these sores in my head. My scalp is moisturized and I use water daily for hydration. On occassion, I may scratch in my head,but who doesn't? Could this be the reason for the sores? Should I look a bit deeper to see what may be the culprit?

Girl w/ all that beautiful hair, I wouldn't risk it. Go to see a dermatologist to have them tell you what the issue is. You may just be allergic to one of the products you are using,or it may be some form of dandruff, who knows?! But you should go to get it looked at.
Off Topic: Girl, where did you get the movie clip of the guy smacking the boy in the head? I crack up something fierce whenever I see your posts.
Thanks everyone for the advice!
The sores are mostly scabs now. I picked them out:look:
I wash my hair weekly, but I mainly do conditioner washes. When I do clarify, I use ACV.
I have been using jojoba oil on my scalp.

OT- To Crysdon- girl, just being nosy in other message boards or just googling stuff and I finds it ALL:lol:
Bublnbrnsuga said:
I am natural, so I don't understand why I am getting these sores in my head. My scalp is moisturized and I use water daily for hydration. On occassion, I may scratch in my head,but who doesn't? Could this be the reason for the sores? Should I look a bit deeper to see what may be the culprit?

hey girl... i hope you get to the root of the problem real soon and those sores clear up asap....
I was just saying the same thing last night! :eek: I have all of these sores in my head but I do scratch with my fingernails :look: I put a bunch of shea butter on one of them this morning and its gone down considerably. I'm also almost a week past due for a wash and have been neglectful with my moisturizing this past week.
I second the dermatology rec. It could be alot of things--seborrheic dermatitis with a secondary infection from scratching, a folliculitis or a contact dermatitis. it's best to get a professional opinion. this could also just be a one time limited occurrence that might be cleared up by the time you get to the derm. derm appointments always seem to be booked up. anyway, you should get it looked at because if it develops into a chronic process with inflammation thats not controlled that could eventually lead to hair loss over a long period. also be careful with what you put on your scalp, you don't want to clog up the follicles and make it worse with heavy oils.
good luck
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Thanks everyone for the advice!
The sores are mostly scabs now. I picked them out:look:
I wash my hair weekly, but I mainly do conditioner washes. When I do clarify, I use ACV.
I have been using jojoba oil on my scalp.

OT- To Crysdon- girl, just being nosy in other message boards or just googling stuff and I finds it ALL:lol:

Do you know what movie it's from? If so, I'd like to rent it just to see and hear that scene.
lisabee25 said:
I second the dermatology rec. It could be alot of things--seborrheic dermatitis with a secondary infection from scratching, a folliculitis or a contact dermatitis. it's best to get a professional opinion. this could also just be a one time limited occurrence that might be cleared up by the time you get to the derm. derm appointments always seem to be booked up. anyway, you should get it looked at because if it develops into a chronic process with inflammation thats not controlled that could eventually lead to hair loss over a long period. also be careful with what you put on your scalp, you don't want to clog up the follicles and make it worse with heavy oils.
good luck

I don't know about you but I put WGO and conditioner on my head with a plastic bag overnight. The next morning I had two painful bumps in my head. My pores got clogged and it really hurt. Eventually it went away but I'll be careful about how I use certain oils esp. oils that are really heavy. HTH
Crysdon said:
Do you know what movie it's from? If so, I'd like to rent it just to see and hear that scene.

I think it's from "Sallam Bombay " (sp) it was a indian movie that came out years ago...


I am very alergic to razac hair cream .. it gave me open sores in my scalp:ooH: ... so check out what you are using...
I agree with the Derm. appt. You could be developing a reaction to the conditioners. That happened to me after I tried to use Pantene conditioners. Not a lot, but my scalp was tender and one little spot was really irritated. I stopped the pantene and the soreness stopped.
It could be scalp acne. I've had this happen to me, and in fact, is happening to me now. My dermatologist had to prescribe an antibiotic for it a year ago. I can tell you that if you are taking biotin or MSM it could make the problem worse, or in my case, bring the problem back. I stopped taking biotin today and will see if this helps the problem. If not, I will pay a visit to my dermatologist for more meds.

Biotin, although it's good for growth, has been known to cause acne breakouts.
I agree with seeing a dermatologist. When I first started my Healty Hair Journey, I developed scalp pimples. This came from clogging my scalp pores with oils. I immediately stopped oiling my scalp or putting anything on my scalp and I did not suffer with scalp pimples again. I first looked up scalp pimples on Google and had an idea of what was irritating my scalp. It was oil. I am sure a dermatologist will be able to identify the culprit.