I got so frustrated the other day


I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong.
I brought my mom to the hair dresser. My mom mentioned to my hair dresser that I need to do something with my hair. :mad: I am not trying to go for a style I am trying to grow my hair out. She was like you need to get it shaped. You need to keep the back cut. Keep the sides cut short. I don't want an afro, this is just a means to the end result. Everytime i tried to explain it to her, she would say it would look so much better.:mad:
You have a very beautiful natural texture, if I were you I would stick to my guns, keep growing that beaufiful hair. Your mom and hairdresser will have mouths hanging open when you are sporting that head of beautiful super long natural curls!

That is what i keep thinking. But it gets on my nerves when they keep saying go get your hair done. Do something with your hair.

I like my hair like this our i would not wear it like this!
Yes, it does get to be kind of old to have your family saying you NEED to get your hair done. Mine would always ask me when I was going to get mine done when they used to see me. Now they are used to seeing me with it up. They have not seen me with it down in years! They just know that it has grown out a lot!

Don't be discouraged. It will all turn out great in the end if you stick with it.

Wow, something happened like this to me to on the other day. I took my mom to the salon and she got her hair cut short. Her and the stylist were telling me I should cut mine. My mom was like when are you going to get tired of wearing your hair like that? I told her i like my hair like this and that I don't want to cut it. Gosh!:mad:
i totally understand!

I did my BC myself the other day and my only concern was cuttingt he relaxer out.

BUT my dad keeps trying to make me even it out, cut it in a stye etc. and I have to keep saying no! I'll worry about all that when its longer. As long as my ends are healthy I'm not too worried about much else!
GoingNatural said:
i totally understand!

I did my BC myself the other day and my only concern was cuttingt he relaxer out.

BUT my dad keeps trying to make me even it out, cut it in a stye etc. and I have to keep saying no! I'll worry about all that when its longer. As long as my ends are healthy I'm not too worried about much else!
that is how my momma is, im not worried about a style:mad: