I got SEXY hair! I love LHCF!


Well-Known Member
So, this past Friday I was attending a party in a neighboring city thrown by the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. I had put my hair into medium sized braids on Wednesday night. And took them out about an hour and a half before the party. My hair is 4a and my braid-out aren't exactly braid outs, but my 4a coil stretched out and elongated. (Think Tankia Ray http://images.filmmagic.com/images/tnm/12670893.jpg)

So anway, after the party I was hanging out, outside the party when Alpha #1 says: "Ummm, I like the whole curly afro thing you have going on. When people try things different it kinda makes them shine." Alpha #2: "Yea, it looks real nice." I of course smiled and said thank you. I was then haning out at a Ques house (a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.) and Que # 1 was like, "you got real sexy hair, I mean I just wanna (and proceeds to stick his hand in my hair). My linesisters commented that they like my hair and he then asked to stick his hand is my hair "just one last time." :love2: I was then chillin' on the couch when Alpha #3 rolled up and stuck his hands in my hair. At first it was just a quick fondle. Then HE CHECKED ME FOR TRACKS, raking his hands across my scalp. I was like, "Boo boo, I don't know you." He responded, "I just love putting my hands in black women's hair, especially when it's theirs." :look:

Sighs, I guess I should not have been suprised by this since my SO has also recently developed an HIMY (hands in my hair) disease. So, anyone else out thar with sexy hair?
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@ tiffers...girl, you will have it soon enough, if you don't already! Got any pics?

@ Amber_moon and carbigirl...thank you ladies, Amber_moon you definitely have the sexy hair thang goin on in your fotki pics.
Ohh, i want sessy hurr too! :blush:

Do you have any pics of the do you did on you?? I wanna see how it came out!!! Don't leave us hanging :lachen:
:lachen:Well girl you've officially passed the LHCF test! Weave checked :lol: But your looks great so I see where they're coming from ;)
Awww thanks for sharing!!! I'm sure it looked great. :) And to think you were thinking about relaxing/texlaxing. :spank: Your hair is beautiful the way it is hun! So umm wheres the pictures? :look: :grin: