I got promoted


New Member
...to ministry leadership last night!! I was telling one of my coworkers today and she was like ohh :look:...what does that mean?? It means a WHOLE LOT to me, and I wanted to share with my sistas in Christ because I'm overjoyed about this. I've been extremely faithful in my ministry work and truely enjoy it. I've always felt the gift of government, and the leadership at my church must also recognize this. I've lived with the motto that in order to lead, you must first learn how to follow.

I'm just feeling extremely blessed right now and wanted to share :yep:
...to ministry leadership last night!! I was telling one of my coworkers today and she was like ohh :look:...what does that mean?? It means a WHOLE LOT to me, and I wanted to share with my sistas in Christ because I'm overjoyed about this. I've been extremely faithful in my ministry work and truely enjoy it. I've always felt the gift of government, and the leadership at my church must also recognize this. I've lived with the motto that in order to lead, you must first learn how to follow.

I'm just feeling extremely blessed right now and wanted to share :yep:

Praise Him and have got the right attitude to do God's work.