I got my touch up 2 wks early


Well-Known Member
Well, touch up time came a little early for me due to excessive shedding. I went on Friday and had a really good
touch up. No burning at all, yay! The heavy shedding stopped also so I'm guessing thats what I needed. I did allow her to give me a dusting. she had asked me if I wanted my ends trimmed and I must have looked like a doe in headlights. I asked her if they needed them and she said just a slight dusting (probably to clean up my past butcher job)so thats what I got. I have to admit I already did my damage myself trimwise out of frustration and depression. I added
a couple of pics to my picturetrail album for those who are
interested. I'm making slow but steady progress!
Wow! Your hair is looking REALLY good!
Keep doin' whatcha' doin'... you'll be at bra strap before you know it!
you've made a lot of progress! What have you been doing, what do you think the key was to maintaining such health and length?
Your hair looks very nice and your bun style is very neat.

ITA! You have to relax when you hair tells you to do so.
Godzooki your hair looks fantastic
You've retained SO much length (in such a short time
) It's so shiny and pretty
-- jainygirl
Work it out, 'zooki! Work it out!!!
Your hair looks great.
You've come a long way since the "Pat" days!!!! When last has she seen you??? I'm curious!
Carlie said:
Wow! Your hair is looking REALLY good!
Keep doin' whatcha' doin'... you'll be at bra strap before you know it!

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I agree.
Godzooki,just when I want to give up I always someone find hair like yours. Thanks for giving me hope. what are you doing to make it grow so fast I need help. My bangs are growing fast but not in the crown of my head it is still short 1/4 of inch since last July--HELP! You hair is so pretty
ok guys, I'm blushing over here! Sorry it took me so long to reply but ya know how it is when ya got kids and live out of your car (always running!). Just when I was about to give up hope you guys help me renew my faith that I can do it! I have to admit, I've been slacking with the vitamins lately so I gotta start that up again. I've also been doing really good with the no heat thing. It helps that I don't know how to do hair worth a grain of salt so I don't bother trying to curl it up. I'm so used to air drying that the thought of blow drying seems so tedious and time consuming I can't see myself doing it anymore. That's helped tremendously with my ends! I always wear my hair up except a day or two after touch up or rare special occasions. Either bun, clipped or braided with the ends clipped up. I use pantene for cond. washes but I love my AE jojoba and aloe and island spice condtioners for after shampoo conditions. GPB is also a fav. I'm still a PJ and will try almost anything when it comes to products, especially moisturizing products but I've been using UBH lotion or BB castor oil moisturizer occasionally combined with s-curl gel. Profective root health is a new growth staple too. I'm experimenting with some avocado butter I just got though.
I think of my old stylist. Pat often Diva! I think about how that B****! kept scalping me for no reason and how dry and straw like and short my hair was under her care while she would chant "down your back! Wait and see!" then proceed to chop it back up to the bottom of my neck evertime it inched downward.
I day dream about running into her on a day when I have my hair down too but I'm gonna wait until I get past bra strap to orchistrate that!

My main peeve right now is the spot in the back of my head where I had major breakage ala Pat. It was severely short and as a result is always shorter than the sides and I'm so self concious of it to comfortably wear my hair down because it's so obvious. I could cut it all totally even now and still be past shoulders but I'm really loathe to take that much off. I'd rather nit pick the longer sides to death until it grows down to a level I'm comfortable matching. Jancan7 I don't think my hair is growing all that fast at all! Try massaging your crown with a good oil like jojoba alone or with added EO's like rosemary and peppermint. I think the masaging is the key more than the oils personally because the movement stimulates the follicles and increases circulation. I've been massaging the breakage area trying to help it catch up and grow stronger. There are so many gorgeous heads of hair on this board I sometimes want to erase all my pics feeling I'm not in the same league so all of your postive comments really mean a lot to me. I love you guys!
godzooki said:
I think of my old stylist. Pat often Diva! I think about how that B****! kept scalping me for no reason and how dry and straw like and short my hair was under her care while she would chant "down your back! Wait and see!" then proceed to chop it back up to the bottom of my neck evertime it inched downward.
I day dream about running into her on a day when I have my hair down too but I'm gonna wait until I get past bra strap to orchistrate that!

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It will happen one of these days too!

I've been so looking forward to these new pics Godzooki - your hair is so long and beautiful! Great progress - it looks like you're doing everything right!
miss_brown said:
Your hair looks great, godzooki! You can definitely see the progress

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I agree.

Your hair looks great! It's grown so fast.

I love reading your posts about the evil SHS Pat. Girlfriend had a serious agenda, keeping her clients' hair short while her daughter's hair was waist length. (Maybe her daughter did her own hair without Pat's help?)