I got my SURGE...I got my SURGE...I got my SURGE!


New Member
Thanks to the MD/DC/VA ladies I didn't have to go on a wild goose chase looking for it neither!

This week I'm in Alexandria, VA for a technical conference with my firm. We had a 3 hour break & I'm sitting there deciding what to do with all this free time on my hands. Then I remembered reading that I can purchase Surge in Laurel, Md. I asked the concierge how do I get to the Laurel Mall. His instructions were on point & in about 30 minutes I was in Laurel, MD looking for the beauty supply store. I don't remember the name of the store BUT they have a FULL stock/shelf of all the Surge products. Needless to say Sindeee racked up!

Anyways, the store manager & I began talking about Surge & he said for some reason he can't keep this stuff on his shelf. That's only recently because it was sitting there for months & no-one was even looking at it he said. He also told me that he's friend's with company's owner & that the company is getting phone calls from all over for orders of Surge. He especially named London. Immediately I thought of London-Diva. Girl, are you starting a stir over there? I told him about this website & now he knows where all the phone calls are coming from. There is so much power in networking & on the internet that's it's not even funny!

Girls, thanks a bunch because I know I'd NEVER find Surge in Delaware!

sassygirl125 said:
Stay out of Columbia, Labett.
This town ain't big enough for the both of us.

[/ QUOTE ]

I not coming to columbia to buy and SURGE my bss just order
a HUGE amount of Surge and by the way I am of AFRAID OF THE
TRAFFIC on your side of town.I have to let someone else drive me.
Re: I got my SURGE...I got my SURGE...I got my SUR

Sindeee said:
Anyways, the store manager & I began talking about Surge & he said for some reason he can't keep this stuff on his shelf. That's only recently because it was sitting there for months & no-one was even looking at it he said. He also told me that he's friend's with company's owner & that the company is getting phone calls from all over for orders of Surge. He especially named London. Immediately I thought of London-Diva. Girl, are you starting a stir over there? I told him about this website & now he knows where all the phone calls are coming from. There is so much power in networking & on the internet that's it's not even funny!

Girls, thanks a bunch because I know I'd NEVER find Surge in Delaware!


[/ QUOTE ]

I find that so cute for some reason
The store managers are all probably scratching their heads wondering what in the world caused this sudden interest in a seemingly random product, and it's the women on the hair boards doing the advertising
Re: I got my SURGE...I got my SURGE...I got my SUR

Thanks to the very same thread, I too aquired some Surge today!!
I finally got mine today. The UPS man arrived right after I got out of the shower. I was so happy and excited I got right back in the shower to wash my hair. I sprayed it on my scalp and hair and now it's airdrying. The only thing I don't like so far is the smell. I thought I read somewhere in here that it smelled good. Like vanilla or something. I really hope this stuff works.
I got me some SoCal SURGE tonight!

I had to drive about 15 miles, and I went to a bad part of town to the bright beauty supply but then I went in and got it! The lady told me that this product is new and not many people know about it, but whoever gets it usually really likes it. I have never went to that much trouble and gone out of my way for a hair product before so it better be good!

Gonna try my surge tonight! Gonna try my surge tonight! Tonight!!!!