I got my samples


New Member
Hello everyone. I dont know if this is the best place to put this but, i got my free samples in today from Nature's Gate.
I got 2 shampoo and conditioner packets
2 lotion packets
1 packet of hand soap.
If any are interested the site is www.naturesgate.com and im also getting a sample of perfume from www.babyphat.com
If any know of anymore sites to get free samples let me know please.
Sure. its www.naturesgatebeauty.com. Sorry bout that wrong link. LOL. I'm also getting some more samples from www.caressskin.com. They got some new Skin shimmering thing or whatever. Here is the link directly to the fill out page http://www.caressskin.com/confidante/freesample.asp
Calgon is now giving away samples. www.takemeaway.com (look at the left area, the first thing to click on)
http://www.lewis-labs.com/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/SampleSubmit.htm (this is for healthy eating)

As for babyphat right now they have run out of samples so thats out for now but maybe check w/them next month i guess.

If you go on these company sites(sorry i dont have the direct link to all of them but you can do a google search for it just in case)
Carol's daughter
Bath and body works
Ralph lauren

I already tried these sites but they dont give any samples. I emailed them and they either dont give any away, are out of stock, or you have to buy something to get a sample if you want.

If anyone knows of some more sites we can all go to for some free samples Let us know :^)
Hey everyone. Another update. I am now going to get me some Nexxus samples. I 4got the link for it but you can do a google/msn/yahoo search for it. It takes 6-8 weeks for them to come through.
yep, Nexxus gives samples. You have to let them know what you want though. Don't just say "anything" b/c you know they will send something that we don't need for our hair type! I'd suggest Therappe Shampoo, Humectress Conditioner, Keraphix Reconstructor. I don't know if they give more than 3 samples, but those are a great start, they are staples for many of the ladies of LHCF.
Ooh ok. Oh well. I already told them hair, skin, perfume(oops that part was for another site), is fine w/me. Even if i do end up gettign some things i dont want i'll just give it to my mom and friends.
I just got some more samples. I got some Brewer's Yeast. from Lewis Labs company. All I got from Gevalia was a catalogue :S.