I got my MTG! Whoopee!!


New Member
FInally got my MTG in the mail!
Gotta go get my oils and stuff today.

So ladies, step one.. buy an empty dye bottle right? And all dem erls, :lol:
Hey! Yeah, get a plastic bottle. I apply my MTG twice a week after I wash my hair. I like it better when my hair is wet as opposed to dry. It seems to soak up the smell more as well. Some ladies apply it daily or every other day. Use it sparingly - a little goes a long way. It's an oily product so you don't want to over do it. Good luck!
Wassup lady!
Yeah I am going to the WEst Indian store for those oils, and I'm gonna get a bottle from the hair supply store.
Whatelse should I get? I know someone here told me that they mix theirs like a pomade, so that it's not runny.
And will it burn my scalp?
It's never burned my scalp. I don't mix it with anything, I just apply it straight. Before you pour it in the small bottle and before you use it everyday, make sure you shake it well.
If you cant take the smell then put a few drops of essential oils in it. Make sure it doesnt run everywhere and a little bit goes a long way. Hapy growing :)
There are probably many different regimens to use with MTG.
Pick up some plastic caps while you're at the BSS.
I use MTG, saturate(after a wash is good) bag my hair up overnight
and each day (for how ever many days you chose) apply a little moisture (or more MTG) and bag it up with the shower cap each night. In the morning you can style it as usual.

When I first got MTG I didn't really know how to use it, but saturating my hair on say, Monday and bagging it up at night each night until Thursday, washing it out and starting over again the next day after a DC gave me an inch in the 1st month. So figure out what method works best for you. GL!
baglady215 said:
It's never burned my scalp. I don't mix it with anything, I just apply it straight. Before you pour it in the small bottle and before you use it everyday, make sure you shake it well.


Straight ????!!!!!

You da bomb. The smell stays with me. Even when my hair is wet and I let it dry. I just put it on my scalp. Do you all put int in you hair?

My Mom said that she can smell me when I walk into a room. :lachen:
Zeal said:

Straight ????!!!!!

You da bomb. The smell stays with me. Even when my hair is wet and I let it dry. I just put it on my scalp. Do you all put int in you hair?

My Mom said that she can smell me when I walk into a room. :lachen:

:lol: Yeah, straight! I put it in my scalp and use it very sparingly. The smell doesn't bother me. I barely even notice it anymore. And my BF hasn't said anything, so I guess I'm cool. :grin:
I put mine on with an applicator bottle everyday after my cow when it is damp,not dripping wet. For some reason that seems to help me with the smell. And if you allow the applicator bottle to make the parts in your hair,just applying it to the scalp, it will get all over your head. Its the bomb girl! hope you like it!
I jumped on the MTG bandwagon pretty recently. I still haven't gotten used the smell. One time I was in the bathroom at work and this girl said to me .. "damn someone needs a colon cleaner because it smells like burned bacon in here". LOL and of course I was like ... "yeah girl, I don't what people are eating these days..." She had no idea. Anyway, mask that baby as much as you can. I still haven't accomplished this goal yet. And as the other girls said, USE SPARINGLY. I already had to throw one pillow out.

Good luck!
Sexyma said:
I jumped on the MTG bandwagon pretty recently. I still haven't gotten used the smell. One time I was in the bathroom at work and this girl said to me .. "damn someone needs a colon cleaner because it smells like burned bacon in here". LOL and of course I was like ... "yeah girl, I don't what people are eating these days..." She had no idea. Anyway, mask that baby as much as you can. I still haven't accomplished this goal yet. And as the other girls said, USE SPARINGLY. I already had to throw one pillow out.

Good luck!

That is too funny! My seven year old just laid on my pillow and said "um, this smells like steak!"
ITA with the advice to use sparingly. I found a Soul Glo stain on my desk chair the other day, 'cause I've been getting too happy with the dosage.

Also, I find it best on damp hair and bagging it up in a shower cap for a bit. It helps to loosen tangles.

ETA: Today I bought Bath & Body works Lavendar Vanilla volumizing conditoner and used it as a leave in over the MTG. It seems to work well in masking the smell. I'll have to get some objective opinions though. But for now, all I smell is the conditioner. :up:
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Has anyone else bought MTG from a different website other than Shapleys? Because I cant seem to add it to the cart. Everytime I do, it gives me an error page.
Happy Hair Growing!!! I turned both my cousin and aunt on to the stuff. They love it. I used it after I washed on Wednesday. Before putting it in, I was looking around thinking to myself, "Ooo, someone's cooking BBQ in the winter." I looked down and noticed that I was smelling the MTG.
I've been using it for a month and the growth is off the chain. I put it in at least 3 x a week, always when hair is damp. I can't stand the smell, and since I work out a lot it comes out when I sweat so right now I mix it with lemongrass and a little orange. It smells so good! Peppermint EO is also awesome as is a combo of rosemary and sage. Best of luck on your MTG adventure!! :) It's definitely worth it.
I think I'll be washing a lot more often for the next month and a half. Since I plan to work out 3-4 times a week. And without extensions, it's easier.

I didnt get around to buying any of my EO's today, hopefully tomorrow.
I cant afford to spoil pillows, and I KNOW my husband wont stand for the smell.
I have to be sure to mix that when he's not home.

Btw, I left the room for a sec and he was in here reading about MTg, :rofl:
Just hilarious!
SweetAKA said:
Has anyone else bought MTG from a different website other than Shapleys? Because I cant seem to add it to the cart. Everytime I do, it gives me an error page.

I had the same problem as you and emailed them. This is the response I received:

I received your e-mail and the shopping cart on our website is down, they
are working to restore it but we don't have a time when it will be back

If you would like to call us at 1-800-982-2017, we would be glad to assist
with an order.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope hear from you soon!

Liz Fisher
Customer Service
Shapley, Ltd.