I got my hairline threaded!! Results...


New Member
Ever since I stopped letting my stylist relax my edges until the very end of application time, they have started to fill in, but IMO my hairline has also gotten out of control. I personally do not really like my hairline to be melting in with my eyebrows...and I was afraid it was going to just keep growing down. When I went home, even my dad commented on how low my hairline was growing, he thought this was a good thing :ohwell:.

A few seasons back on ANTM, they threaded this one Indian girls hairline, so in September, when I went to get my eyebrows threaded, I suddenly decided to get my hairline threaded too!

It did not really hurt me, but then again I get my eyebrows threaded and some people can not stand that at all! First she used tiny scissors to cut the hair down (otherwise it would have hurt realllllyy bad because the hairs were long), and then she proceeded to thread! I loved the results and felt so much more kempt! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who, like I did, hates to wear their hair back because their hairline is looking too low. But maybe I am just silly and nobody else has this issue :grin:

This was my hairline after a fresh texlax/flat iron and freshly cut bangs in September (note the unkempt eyebrows too...). Also, since this is after I just got my hair done, my hairline is looking smoother than normal...


This is my hairline (and eyebrows :o ) after threading...


A side shot...


And now, four months later...I was a bit worried about how it would grow back in, but I like it so far, and will be getting it threaded again!

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shoot, i wish I HAD a flippin hairline :ohwell: . it looks good though!

LOL, I doubt you wanted one that low though! Once I went to a different stylist and she was worried about getting relaxer on my eyebrows! :ohwell: It also looks worse when I am in need of a touch up. My hairline really started growing when I asked my stylist to not relax my edges until the very end.

Thanks ladies, I was happy with the results too!
looks gr8!
And although i cnt c ur pic fully u luk really pretty.
nice eyes! and ur hair luks so soft!
Wow it looks great. I have that problem too low hairline, and it looks like my edges dont grow but hmm i never thought about cutting it off, i just finished examining in the mirror and that seems like a good idea. I remember the episode of top model your talking about the one with Anchal I was wondering how they did that. Are you in the NY area I know the Indians have a few shops but im looking for something more in Philly?
:lachen::lachen::lachen:@ all of us that WISH our hairlines were like that and there you go threading it up! I remember that ANTM with the Indian chick. I was amazed then and I'm amazed now at your results. Glad it came out as such!

Can I add you to my hair-inspiration list?! Geez!
I know a girl in my class with the same problem...but she hasn't addressed it

it makes your whole look a lot more polished, you look great!
Looks great. I've never heard of threading the hairline. I'd love to get my lower nape threaded but I am afraid of the pain.
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Wow it looks great. I have that problem too low hairline, and it looks like my edges dont grow but hmm i never thought about cutting it off, i just finished examining in the mirror and that seems like a good idea. I remember the episode of top model your talking about the one with Anchal I was wondering how they did that. Are you in the NY area I know the Indians have a few shops but im looking for something more in Philly?[/quote]

Right, it was Anchal who got the threading! No, I am not in the NY area. Have you ever gotten your eyebrows threaded before? I would definitely try that first because some people do not like it (whereas I find eyebrow waxing to be much more painful). I would also first check out how well someone threads my eyebrows before letting them do my hairline. (The faster and more precise they are, the better the experience.) You may find a post about eyebrowing threading locations in the salon locator forum or using Google. Good luck!
I just got my brows and upper lip done in Little India in Jersey City. They did a fantastic job. I've never heard of hairline threading, but when I go back to Jersey City, I will definitely check into this. The woman who did my threading did a FANTASTIC job! I usually hate the way my brows are waxed and the shape of them, but I got a nice arch and my eyes actually look sexy!!:lick:

Sexy eyes and lips and they only charged me $10 for BOTH procedures!! :clapping::clapping:
It looks GOOD! It def does make u look more polished and neat.

I'm scared of threading and waxing, so when my hairline gets unruly, I just slap some Nair on it, and it looks like I just got a fresh shape-up, heehee!
Looks good ... it's nice to see you post this because I have a similar problem and in the past I just waxed my hairline when i waxed my eyebrows. But I didn't do that good of a job:ohwell:. So maybe I'll look into threading. Was it expensive??
Wow they did a good job! I know that had to hurt tho, when I get my eyebrows done I tear up so I know the hair line had to be a sensitive spot.
Looks good ... it's nice to see you post this because I have a similar problem and in the past I just waxed my hairline when i waxed my eyebrows. But I didn't do that good of a job:ohwell:. So maybe I'll look into threading. Was it expensive??

I do not wax my eyebrows because it burns me and makes me break out more. It was very cheap, they charged me $7 for my eyebrows and it was an extra $5-7 (cant remember exactly) for my hairline. The nice thing about threading is that you can see them as they are going along...with waxing, it is kind of a one hit thing.
It sounds painful. Could someone explain the process?

Threading is very painful for some people, it really just varies. To me, as long as you hold your skin taut as they do it, it is just fine.

These are the steps she took:

1. She lightly brushed down the hair (using one of those eyebrow brushes) that she was going to thread off so that I could approve of the amount and the new hairline.

2. She used a pair of tiny scissors to trim down the hair as low to my skin as possible (this would have been super painful if she just ripped out the full length pieces so this step was key!)

3. She threaded the hair...basically they use sewing thread, twist it into tiny figure eights very quickly around the hairs, and then drag it across, pulling out the hair. LOL, im sure it sounds terrible when I explain it like this but they do it so quickly! Here is a picture from the place where I got it done (I Too salon in Atlanta...its in Little Five Points).


You can also find videos on youtube, here is one http://youtube.com/watch?v=NK-QzPLgUTo

To the lady who posted about a place in Philly, when I searched on youtube two of the videos were from a salon there.
Threading is very painful for some people, it really just varies. To me, as long as you hold your skin taut as they do it, it is just fine.

These are the steps she took:

1. She lightly brushed down the hair (using one of those eyebrow brushes) that she was going to thread off so that I could approve of the amount and the new hairline.

2. She used a pair of tiny scissors to trim down the hair as low to my skin as possible (this would have been super painful if she just ripped out the full length pieces so this step was key!)

3. She threaded the hair...basically they use sewing thread, twist it into tiny figure eights very quickly around the hairs, and then drag it across, pulling out the hair. LOL, im sure it sounds terrible when I explain it like this but they do it so quickly! Here is a picture from the place where I got it done (I Too salon in Atlanta...its in Little Five Points).


You can also find videos on youtube, here is one http://youtube.com/watch?v=NK-QzPLgUTo

To the lady who posted about a place in Philly, when I searched on youtube two of the videos were from a salon there.

WOW! Thanks. It looks good. I'm a whimp I don't think I can do it. :)