I got my hair buttery soft and dont know what i did


Well-Known Member
Got my hair buttery soft and have no idea what I did.

Hey guys, I’m a long time lurker and finally decided to come out. I just wanted to share that somehow I got my 10 month twa buttery soft and curls popping (no gel) but I have no idea what product to attribute it to. I believe I’m a 4a with a section of 3c (my nightmare section) at the front. Low porosity medium density hair.

Back story: I decided to do a Cherry Lola treatment this weekend but forgot to pick up a second tub of Greek full fat yogurt so I improvised with what is always in my cupboards, Coconut milk! Ok, so I mixed the 8 oz Greek yogurt, coconut milk, braggs liquid aminos and the baking soda in a bowl. Let it sit a few minutes applied it to my hair (this stuff stinks so bad!) left it on for 30 mins. Deep conditioned my hair with shea moisture black soap purification masque went to bed.

Morning - washed out the deep conditioner, used As I Am leave in conditioner as my leave in sealed with jojoba oil. For my styler I used the cantu shea butter (the naturals line) holding gel (can’t remember the exact name) did my normal wash and go. Ran out the house to do some grocery shopping.

That night – I felt like I was still smelling that Cherry Lola concoction in my hair and needed to wash it again (even though I spent over an hour shingling my hair ugh, anyway I cowashed my hair with trader joes tea tree conditioner used a little shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie as my leave in and sealed with shea moisture dry mist oil because I was feeling lazy and that spray bottle was so much easier. Pulled my hair up into a puff (no tools used), threw on my bonnet and went to bed with wet hair.

This morning – got up early because I just knew my hair would look like hell, but was so surprised it wasn’t matted but still a little damp. Instead of drowning my hair with water like I usually would do in the mornings I decided to use the shea moisture mist n shine spray just to hydrate my hair for the day.

Got to work feeling board put hand in hair, had an O! I can’t believe how soft my hair is and now I’m freaking out trying to figure out which one of the 1 million products I threw in my hair this weekend attributed to this.

Has anyone else ever experienced this???
You did so many things and used so many products it's hard (almost impossible) to pin point. Is there a single step/product that is different, aside from the Cherry Lola treatment and the double washing?

Could it be simply that you got your hair saturated twice in one day?

Let us know if you figure it out!
Wow, that's a lot OP
If I had to take a wild guess, the purification masque + consistent moisture and sealing could be the reason. I never used the mask before, but from I could remember its a deep cleanser and DC in one, right? (I also heard it's amazing). I think specifically the SM Curl Enhancing Smoothie and SM spray had a lot to do with it, since it was the last thing you did before experiencing soft hair.
The Cherry Lola was the new thing for my hair. I can't say I saw a great difference in my hair since I varied from the original recipe. I'm not even sure if it worked Lol.
My oldest DD's hair has been looking extra fly lately LOL I asked her what she is doing differently and she told me that she's cowashing + applying Cantu butter on her hair and its made her curls defined and soft.

It could also be the coconut milk, which helps my hair look moisturized and makes my curls pop.
I'm going to use all SM this weekend on wash day to see if I get the same results.
I'll do a coconut conditioning treatment next month to see the results of that. Definitely have to journal this and hopefully pin point which product is my holy grail. Thanks ladies!
I did the same thing a year ago and I never figured it out. I still think about that and I want to kick myself. I'm wishing you better luck than I had