I Got Micro Braids

Your braids look beautiful. Make sure you change up your bun position so that you do not have to much weight in one area too long. Your head will thank you.
Your braids look beautiful. Make sure you change up your bun position so that you do not have to much weight in one area too long. Your head will thank you.

I defiinitely will be alternating with high buns, low buns, and low/side buns. When I was transitioning, I wore buns 24/7, and if I wore it in the same spot for too long, I'd notice more strands breaking in that one area. I've since learned that I have to switch it up.
I defiinitely will be alternating with high buns, low buns, and low/side buns. When I was transitioning, I wore buns 24/7, and if I wore it in the same spot for too long, I'd notice more strands breaking in that one area. I've since learned that I have to switch it up.

Do you also experience pain? I had a few sore spots in my head before the breakage took hold.
Those are nice:yep:
plus she didn't rip you off.
never took care of my micros,and i finally had to cut my hair really short in october of 06:nono:
Now that i am taking care of them,big difference!!!
Your braid regimen sounds very healthytoo!!ALl those good hair sprays:lick:
You'll grow so nicely in them:yep:
Get em' boo!
You and your hair are beautiful. I am so blessed to say that I have actually met you in person and you are so sweet. I really like your braids, plus they aren't tiny like other people's braids. Lovely! :love:
You and your hair are beautiful. I am so blessed to say that I have actually met you in person and you are so sweet. I really like your braids, plus they aren't tiny like other people's braids. Lovely! :love:

Awwww, Anky. You're making be blush!
As usual, your hair looks great!:yep: Micros are my favorite braid style. It offers so much diversity and is very low maintenance.
they look gorgeous, and i like the idea of being able to bun 24/7!

aw man i want some now. guess i gotta learn to do those too.

-sigh- 10 days till winter break. guess i can use that month off to put them in. LOL