i got hard water


I washed my hair and stuff today and payed close attention to how my skin felt afterwords and it felt real dry...:( i guess nomore co-washing i guess il just do it when i wash my hair on the weekend so i can use bottle water
I live in NYC and have hard water too.... I bought a shower head/filter from Targe' for my shower. I think its helped some......
Dannygirl said:
I washed my hair and stuff today and payed close attention to how my skin felt afterwords and it felt real dry...:( i guess nomore co-washing i guess il just do it when i wash my hair on the weekend so i can use bottle water
Maybe a shower filter will help a little. It wont help the whole problem, but maybe just a little.
shunta said:
Maybe a shower filter will help a little. It wont help the whole problem, but maybe just a little.

Yeah it should.... cuz it filters out the chlorine and other harmful substances.

They are relatively cheap.... i found mine for around $35. They had some that were less and some that were more.... depending on the features that you want (ie, extra massage settings, longer hose, etc.) This also makes cleaning the shower really easy! After you scrub it down, you can just remove the shower head, stretch out the hose, and rinse the shower down. Its great.
Water hardness is actually the measure of calcium and magnesium concentration in the water. The filters don't help with that, but they do help remove other harmful things like KK said. You should get some test strips to really see how your water is. It was very eye opening for me when I did it. I bought akit on Ebay that tests EVERYTHING. It was actually funt odo. :)

My water is so highly concentrated in calcuim or whatever that a filter did not help. Actually it was worse! After using the shower filter that to remove all the bad stuff, my hair felt hard. I still used my chelating shampoo, too. :look:

I put back my regular shower head and I have just been using my chelating shampoo. If I go more than 2 shampoos w/o it, my hair gets dull and dry looking and starts to break.

My area is not on the map as being one with hard water. This did not happen until I moved into another home. :confused: My skin and hair started having major problems.
I agree with the other ladies and I'd add... it's not cheap but a whole house water softener is a miracle. My hair is still braided, but I can see a serious improvement already. Even the synthetic hair is less rigid.

In the past I've tried using distilled water... that helped a lot but was a pain.
Then I tried Ion hard water conditioner and poo from Sally's that along with frequent clarifying treatments (also Ion brand from Sally's) helped a bunch (this was my primary way to deal with the problem)
I've had a shower head filter for over a year and not much changed.

If you decided to go the distilled water route it might be cheaper (and more convenient) to make it at home.
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We have hard water and shower filters did basically NOTHING. On top of that, in a couple of weeks, the water pressure would decrease considerably. It ended up that we had to change the filter way too much. $$$$$ And I never really saw a difference.

Distilled water is a good alternative. You can use it for a final rinse if you can't use it for all of your wash. But yeah, it can be a pain to lug distilled water home from the store all the time...depending on how much you wash your hair. Some people use rain water when they can collect it. But round some parts...I wouldn't suggest that because of pollution. As has been mentioned, you can use a chelating shampoo, though they can be drying for some people's hair.

A small amount of citric acid in condition and/or water for rinsing might help, too.