I got called a fake natural today!


Well-Known Member
I was talking to a group of naturals at work today--they started to discuss some of the daily issue w/ natural hair--I put my 2cent in and told them how s-curl really has help me tame my hair-One of the chicks said it helps you because you are not really a natural--I was shocked and asked her what she meant by that-she explained that if I was fully natural my hair would not be able to lay down in a bun--I was like are you serious- So she goes on and on and ask me to take my hair down-I don't know why but I did-they investigated my hair and said I don't know what kind of hair you got because natural don't lay that flat, you must still have a relaxer--Now all of us in the group are in the 4 hair type family, and I mostly 4b but my curl pattern is a little loose and it grow out really weird--- Well the conversation ended w/ me basically telling them even though we are all in the 4 family we can have different textures and it was funny to me that they were trying to call me out-- They continued to repeat "I don't know what kind of hair you got but it ain't natural, you can't be".............

Just wanted to share-has this every happened to anyone else??
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They sound stupid. I am a 4 b natural and I get can this thick stuff in a bun. Ignore them. What are they, the natural hair police? People kill me with that mess. Q
Nappy Nazis :rolleyes:
For people like them, everyone that isn't wearing a picked out fro, is faking the funk :ohwell:
Are you sure you typed your hair properly? (I peaked in your fotki) You said your hair is mostly 4b, but when I think of mostly 4b, I think of hair like mscocoface (sp?). Maybe they meant your hair isn't the same hair type as theirs? Cuz otherwise I'm just as confused as you are, natural hair comes in many different textures and patterns.

Thanks ladies!! You all made me laugh- even though I played it off ,I was a little heated!! I guess if I wear a fro then I could be down!!
Are you sure you typed your hair properly? (I peaked in your fotki) You said your hair is mostly 4b, but when I think of mostly 4b, I think of hair like mscocoface (sp?). Maybe they meant your hair isn't the same hair type as theirs? Cuz otherwise I'm just as confused as you are, natural hair comes in many different textures and patterns.


I have 4a in the front and mostly 4b in the back (I think)
Nappy Nazis :rolleyes:
For people like them, everyone that isn't wearing a picked out fro, is faking the funk :ohwell:

:lachen::lachen:agree...they hatin!
What they really wanted to say was"Ms. God_favor, Oh how in the world do you get your natural hair in that bun? Its so cute!":yep:
IMHO i really think it's ignorance on their part and not really stupidity. When you are really ignorant of a particular think it can make u look like a foolish person esp when u continue to stick to ur own point without listening to others. Sometimes all it takes is proof of the fact.

Then u have some people who are genuinely hard headed and it's no fault of theirs'. Sweets ignore the blunders, maybe it's just jealousy.
As for me i'm 4B or some would say 4a and it was really pretty easy to slick my hair back when i was natural. (my older sis used to envy me)
Smile a while and don't let them get to you, they might soon begin to ask what's the secret.
:lachen::lachen:agree...they hatin!
What they really wanted to say was"Ms. God_favor, Oh how in the world do you get your natural hair in that bun? Its so cute!":yep:
You'll have to update this thread when they all come asking for regimen.They'll probally all come to you discretely like "girl....your hair is nice,how do I get mine to lay down like that?":look:
They sound stupid. I am a 4 b natural and I get can this thick stuff in a bun. Ignore them. What are they, the natural hair police? People kill me with that mess. Q

I would agree. Clearly they don't know how to handle their natural hair. I wear buns all the time.

ETA: I peeked in your fotki and your hair is very pretty. It doesn't look 4b to me at all though. You have a defined curl pattern.
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Originally posted by God Favor
I was talking to a group of naturals at work today--they started to discuss some of the daily issue w/ natural hair--I put my 2cent in and told them how s-curl really has help me tame my hair-One of the chicks said it helps you because you are not really a natural--I was shocked and asked her what she meant by that-she explained that if I was fully natural my hair would not be able to lay down in a bun--I was like are you serious- So she goes on and on and ask me to take my hair down-I don't know why but I did-they investigate my hair and say I don't know what kind of hair you got because natural don't lay that flat, you must still have a relaxer--Now all of us in the group are in the 4 hair type family, and I mostly 4b but my curl pattern is a little loose and it grow out really weird--- Well the conversation ended w/ me bascily telling them even though we are all in the 4 family we can have different textures and it was funny to me that they were trying to call me out-- They continued to repeat "I don't know what kind of hair you got but it ain't natural, you can't be".............

Just wanted to share-has this every happened to anyone else??

Tell your co-workers Pinskates said.. you ladies are a bunch of ignorant, mis-informed women.:yep:
You ladies have got me rolling w/ the replies :lachen::lachen:!!!

I really think they don't understand that type 4 hair comes in different textures, all of their hair is very similar in textures and I guess mine just looked werid compared to theirs--But I did almost loose my cool w/ the heifers!!

There is no way they can be jealous of my hair/it is not hater worthy (lol)! So they were not jealous.............................
You ladies have got me rolling w/ the replies :lachen::lachen:!!!

I really think they don't understand that type 4 hair comes in different textures, all of their hair is very similar in textures and I guess mine just looked werid compared to theirs--But I did almost loose my cool w/ the heifers!!

There is no way they can be jealous of my hair/it is not hater worthy (lol)! So they were not jealous.............................

I don't think they were either. I didn't get jealousy from what you said that they said to you. But you'd be surprised what people think. Just because you don't think something's jealousy/hater worthy right now doesn't mean somebody else may not. And that's in regards to anything.
I think this is so funny - not natural, so they're saying you've secretly used chemicals and are being untruthful about it. That's so silly - my hair is , what, more natural than yours? I'm more 4b than you are? Ridiculous.
I rarely post, but WOW that was ... Perhaps you should get then some of that S-curl. I think the hair typing is more about the curl pattern but there are many different textures of hair with the same size curl. For instance me and my mother are 4a, but her hair is silky and she could still pull off the whole water and grease thing fully natural. My hair would just laugh.
they investigate my hair and say I don't know what kind of hair you got because natural don't lay that flat, you must still have a relaxer

They must not know about sparkelites gel and a denman brush!

Oh well, if they don't want to listen, let 'em run around puffy headed.