I got braids! *Pics Included*


Active Member
Hi Ladies,

Just wanted to share, because I know how we all *love* pictures! :grin:

I got 'tree braids' or invisible braids this past weekend.

I used:
  • Model Model Hair, human hair mix (not exaxtly sure what that means)
  • 18-20"
  • Color 1B
  • Style: Swiss curl Bulk (taken from label)
On sale at local beauty supply store for $12 per pack, used 2 packs of hair.

My stylist was great! She is a traveling stylist so she comes to my house which is very convenient for me being that I am new to the DMV and have yet to find a regular stylist.

As she was braiding I was asking questions...she used what she called the 'feed in method'.

I am in month 8 of my transition and plan to keep these in for at least a month or so, depending on how well they hold up.

As far as a review of the hair goes, it's been 5 days. I have been using
Infusium 23 leave in conditioner, lightly applying to my roots in a spray bottle. The hair has been ok, and has been slightly shedding.

I am noticing though that this hair becomes stringy looking when I go overboard with the spraying. I will be washing it this weekend so that I can get some of the 'fullness' of the hair back.

The curls are holding up well though.

I normally just use my fingers to comb through it and pull out any loose hairs.

The Hair


In progress... (the 'feed in' method, as the braider called it) where she separated the braid hair into small sections and braided it into my hair)

She braided my hair in cornrows going straight to the back.

The results...
(And yes, I do have a 5 head, which is the reason why I like bangs! :look:)

included a link in case anyone wants to see the scalp close up...:rolleyes: password:braids

Click on braids album...



Maybe I can do a length check after the braids are out...thanks for looking ladies!
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They look really really nice!

What exactly are "Tree braids" and how do they do them? Is it like a sew-in weave?

Like the pic shows, she braided my hair in cornrows and added in the pieces of the extension hair as she went. I guess they call it invisible braids because you really can't see them. Only the extension hair is left out, my own hair is in the cornrow. I guess it is somewhat of a weave technique. The end result looks like a weave but it's *not* a sew in.
How will you take care of your hair under the hair?

My hair is braided in cornrows, going to the back, It's very easliy accessible. All I have to to is start at the front base
of the cornrow, slide my finger back along my head to add my leave in conditioner /briad spray to my hair.
Your braids look great and so neat. I think these will be my next protective style. I've been dying to have some type of straight hair and I am not going to flat iron my hair. This is why I love black hair: it is so versatile!
angelc how long do you plan to keep these in? are you going to cowash fequently?

I washed once so far after my first week. The hair held up ok considering I only paid around $12 per pack. I basically just rinsed the hair with lukewarm water and let it air dry (as recommended on the pack).

I don't think I can co-wash this hair, however when I am close to removing the braids I will try to co wash it to see how the hair reacts.

My plan is to keep them in for at least 4-5 weeks, depending on how the hair looks as time progresses.

The curls are holding up good so far. :yep: My roots where my real hair is showing in the front still looks nice.

I am using a mix of Infusium 23/braid spray to keep my hair moisturized but I am noticing that when I use too much it makes the braid hair seems
to be somewhat sticky,this is why I washed/rinsed it after only one week.

I don't think this human hair mix(which is what the package says) does well with a whole lot of product added to it, thus the sticky-ness (is that a word??? :rolleyes:) of the hair when I add too much braid spray.

I have to finger comb each time I play with the hair. The hair does shed some when I pull at it to detangle it.

I think I will keep a journal week by week of how the hair holds up for my own personal reference, just so I know if this hair is worth re-purchasing.
I love how tree braids looks. Try not to put anything on the braided hair and just moisturize your real hair.