I got a relaxer today: My experience LONG


Think Slim
I finally made the 3 hour drive to NYC to get my relaxer. I've been going to the same stylist for about 2 or 3 years now. I actually dropped my stylist of 15 years to go with this girl for a number of reasons:

1. She never leaves the salon. My old stylist would be MIA, shopping on the Ave, while I'm sitting there with lye on my hair...er, um NOT.

2. She is always gentle; my old stylist was the bomb, but she was heavy handed, and often burned my scalp.

3. As long as my stylist knows that I'm in town, she is ALWAYS waiting for me.

My hair was damaged when I first started going to this stylist, so I ended up doing a big, big chop, and because my hair is so thick, it has to be blown out completely when it's shorter. I can't just blow the roots until it reaches at least collar bone, because I get way too much volume.

Anyhoo, as many of you all know, I'm am an advocate of blowing the roots only. This has been my regimine for many, many years. This method helps me maintain length. My problem with this stylist is that while she does an incredible blow dry, probably the best I have ever had, w/o burning my scalp or applying too much pressure to the hair, she never understood what I was asking for. I kept saying, "the roots only; don't pass the blower over my ends" and it just wasn't happening.

Today, I decided that I was going to give her a crash course in Blowing Roots 101 - For Beginners. I waited for her to make the first section and clip the hair, then said, "Wait...let me show you what to do." I then proceeded to blow out the back of my hair, just as you see in my album.

I wish you all could have been there. Every jaw in the salon dropped...I could hear people gasping for air. The next thing I hear...the girl next to me is telling her stylist to do the same thing. LOL

My stylist FINALLY got it! I took a couple of pics, which I may eventually post, but they were merely for measuring purposes. I just had to share that with you all, because while I loved all of the services that this stylist supplied, I was really tired of trying to explain the one proceedure to her.

k, I'm done now
I'm glad you had a good experience with your stylist!

BTW, what's the password to your album?
I'm glad you had a great experience. I am sure your hair looks great because it looked great before.
Your brave! I don't have the balls to direct a stylist, but some of them need a lil' instruction. I'm glad your appointment went o.k.
Good for you Webby! :clap: What you did was empowering and you taught your stylist something new she can do for her other clients!
Faith said:
I click on the link to your album below in your siggy and it aks for a PW???

faith, when the link comes up, just click on the link that says photo album. you'll be able to find the unlocked album on that page.