I got a compliment ... sort of


Earlier this week I wore spirals. When the spirals got looser and frizzed a bit, I pinned it up. Last night I co-washed it and did a braid out. This morning I took the braids out, and I really liked it. It was easier than doing the spirals.

Then a few minutes ago, the project manager at work said "What's with you and the hair this week." I said "I'm just trying different things." He said "Well I like the curly hair you had on Monday. This one reminds me of my wife when she doesn't do anything to her hair. :eek:

I've seen his wife before and she has that common long bleached blonde permed hair. She wore the same style as the pictures in his office.

My hair doesn't look anything like that! :(
Every time I read one of these posts I am amazed at people’s audacity, especially the audacity of co-workers and others who are not family or friends :mad: . I, for the life of me, cannot understand what would make someone feel at liberty to express an unsolicited preference about YOUR hair style.

I mean if you had come to work in rollers it would have made sense for a project manager to say something to you, but who the heck cares which style HE likes best, I mean really.
I was going to say something. But I just stared at his bald head with hair on the sides. He got the message, felt self-conscious, and then told me about his wife telling him to put some powder on his head to prevent the glare.

I guess that little tidbit was supposed to make me laugh. :rolleyes: