I got 4 inches cut off my hair!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, like some of you know, i've been planning to get a haircut for quite some time, because it seems that all the stuff i'd been doing these past 6 months has not been working. Yes, my hair's been growing like usual, but the ends just were NOT getting any better. It got to the point where I would get knots in the ends of my hair, and they would look like straw... not pretty.

So I got so fed up but didn't want to jack up my hair yet AGAIN with another one of my "trims"... see the thing is, I can only reach certain parts, so the rest still has the unhealthy ends. I wanted something professional, so that I don't have to think about my ends for another four months. Mind you, last time I got a professional trim or haircut was March 2005, 2 days into my haircare journey. I needed to get rid of band ends for good and it worked, because I didn't have to worry about them until August 2005

So, since tomorrow is my HIGHSCHOOL GRADUATION :)yay: ) I went to get a perm, trim/haircut, and bangs. It was at a new place and frankly, I was terrified. She did a GREAT job with the perm, best one I got since November 2005. She didn't rollerset, but just blowdried and it came out so smooth and thick, I :love: it... she cut some cheek-length bangs like I asked her, and she asked me how much I wanted cut off, and I said "about 2 inches" because I know that the damage extended to that much.

WELL, she cut off a lot more than that. More like 4 inches:shocked: and I was shaking because I didn't know how much she was cutting in the back since I didn't have my glasses on and can't see. In the end though, I COULDN'T be mad because my hair was all one length like i've been wanting for a while now, PLUS I got the bangs that I've been too chicken to get.

So, as of right now, I'm back above brastrap, at about 21.5" I'm assuming. I'm setting my new goal for the end of the year at 25", which is where I technically was before the cut:lol:
Congrats! Your haircut sounds really pretty. Can't wait to see pics. Have fun at your graduation tomorrow. Btw, where did you decide to go to college?
see, I do wish it was longer, but I have a picture that I took about a month ago, and that's when I realized jut how AWFUL my ends were! i mean, you could SEE it in the picture:eek: it was awful.

And i'm amazed at the fact that's it's blowdried, LOOKS thick and fluffy but feels so light at the same time! I was walking from the place, and the wind was just flirting with my scalp. it was a wonderful feeling:lol:

Oh, and I decided to go to Wellesley. I'm so excited and scared at the same time!
Girl, when I read the title of your post, I was afraid to come in!!! But I bet you can't stop running your hands through your hair now can you!!

Your bangs sound as is they are pretty. Do you have your cap yet so you can practice how you're going to place it on your head with the bangs since they are new??? Be sure to take lots of pics for us and your hair will be back in no time!! (faster than you know; usually happens when you get a drastic trim like that!)

Congrats on the graduation!!:)
Congrats on Graduation!

I'm sure your cut was a good thing. I've had to do that and I really need to do it again but am putting it off. I need to take off a solid inch to even everything out. I think hair looks so much better when it's trimmed.

Just take better care of the ends this go round... that's what I'm doing now.

Sorry you had to get so much cut off, I had to get 6" cut in Dec. '05, and now I get reg. trims every other month or when I get a perm.
Relish your graduation -- and your cut, Carlita.

Having an even cut is going to be so adorable.

You have done what I hope to do later in summer after my next relaxer, because I'm really not enjoying growing my hair out with pieces at different lengths. I bet your hair hangs and swings better with that great even cut.
Congratulations on the graduation! AND your choice of college! AND your haircut! College is such an exciting time of your life....enjoy!