I got 1.5 inches last month!


Well-Known Member
My new bangs only grew one inch cause they are left out but I am okay with that!The rest grew a full 1.5 inches!:grin:

I am in the HYH challenge and I am a bunner. I wore a bun everyday For these last 5 weeks (longer actually but measured 5 weeks ago) Only combed once every two weeks.

Each week on shampoo day I used either shikakai or a gentle poo. Conditioned,combed with wide tooth comb. Did my moisturizing and sealing. Bun.

Moisturize and Seal everyday or every other, as well as spraying on water.BUN. No combing. You could comb once a week if needed. I only combed once every two weeks. I am using some really low manipulation along with my staple products. BTW, my ends are holding up fine.
I will not relax until the end of the year. I could pull up my NG and measure but I haven't relaxed in over 10 weeks so I got tons of NG. So I couldn't prove it! I can just pass on what is working for me and you can try it and that's all.I am not here to brag just passing things on to others. I will update and relax in December showing 4 months growth. HTH!
Congrats! I hope you reach MBL :crossfingers:

Bunning is what's up :yep:
Congrats girly!!!

Bunning and Ayurveda powders are the truth!

Btw what products did you use for moiusturing and sealing and how many days a week did you wash your hair?
I was doubtful of the shikakai powder because I am more into indian oil but it is serious. I am only washing on Friday because I am doing very low mani. I don't even take the bun down during the week except once to keep it looking nice. I use various moisturizers, s-curl,BB, condish, anything. I have been on a sweet almond oil kick for sealing. Another key is wetting with water daily (spray bottle)HTH!
This is my regimen to a tee! Congratulations on your progress!

Congrats! I hope you reach MBL :crossfingers:

Bunning is what's up :yep:

You can say that again! Quick, easy and very effective!:yep: I'll be bunning until I reach WL.
My new bangs only grew one inch cause they are left out but I am okay with that!The rest grew a full 1.5 inches!:grin:

I am in the HYH challenge and I am a bunner. I wore a bun everyday For these last 5 weeks (longer actually but measured 5 weeks ago) Only combed once every two weeks.

Each week on shampoo day I used either shikakai or a gentle poo. Conditioned,combed with wide tooth comb. Did my moisturizing and sealing. Bun.

Moisturize and Seal everyday or every other, as well as spraying on water.BUN. No combing. You could comb once a week if needed. I only combed once every two weeks. I am using some really low manipulation along with my staple products. BTW, my ends are holding up fine.

WOW...that is excellent growth! I only want 1 inch/ month and I'm good.

what growth aids you using?
CONGRATS........Bunning is the TRUTH. I live for bunning. I do not care how boring it may be but i get CRAZY results from bunning. I will be bunning until i reach WL.
Congrats on the progress!!!!
You'll definitely make your goal at the rate you are growing.
Bunning and low manipulation are awesome!
thanks honey!

we have a similar regi but i also co wash in the week.

congrats again
Yeah I normally do to but I am doing this til' the end of the year as an experiment. It would be to hard to do this forever. I like playing in my hair too much! And thank you for being so supportive
Congrats Girl! I am 11 weeks since my last relaxer and havent combed for about 2 weeks now since i found this website and i really notice the difference. I have noticed 98% less breakage. I also cowash everday with Carols Daughter Smoothies because i workout a lot...anyways congrats :grin: !!!!!
You are getting awesome growth...I like buns too and finally figured out how to do smoother buns...thanks for posting your regime.