I go through periods of time when I'm...


Well-Known Member
just mad at God. I have to be honest, that's just how I feel especially at this moment. :sad:

It makes me not want to pray or even ask for anything. :ohwell: I wonder why He let my brother get mentally sick and why I'm still single and lonely at the age of 38.

Yes, I pray continuously but like I said..it's just unbearable at times and I just can't take it especially with NOTHING changes. I really get upset and ask God why??!?! But how do you question the creator, right? :perplexed
I just dont get it and in the meantime I'm just supposed to ignore all this and be thankful & happy?!?

Sorry but I just need to vent. I'm going through it right now. :nono:
But how do you question the creator, right? :perplexed

And the very reason a cosmic bolt of lightening doesn't come and destroy you instantly is proof that He's gotcha back...already knew it ahead of time. :wink: It's called being human. You're not alone. Trust in Him and give Him a chance. I know firsthand, when you get to the next point and look back, it'll be like a clear map. Hugs!

Edit: Heck, I'm there in my desert right now...been there for a decade. And it's only let up a good 3-4 years...now back to hell. Thank you for your honesty. Sometimes, that's the only thing keeping many of us going...honesty.
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just mad at God. I have to be honest, that's just how I feel especially at this moment.

It makes me not want to pray or even ask for anything. I wonder why He let my brother get mentally sick and why I'm still single and lonely at the age of 38.

Yes, I pray continuously but like I said..it's just unbearable at times and I just can't take it especially with NOTHING changes. I really get upset and ask God why??!?! But how do you question the creator, right?

I just dont get it and in the meantime I'm just supposed to ignore all this and be thankful & happy?!?

Sorry but I just need to vent. I'm going through it right now.

Dodie, the bible says in Romans 8, that we all suffer, all of us together. God has not promised a life free of suffering. Nor did he promise that we will have everything we desire, only those things that are in his will. As followers of God, we must submit to his will, his timing, and his plans....fully persuaded that his plans for you are good. Live your life now, don't wait for it to start. The full manifestation of God in the life of a believer cast's out loneliness. I know some may disagree but singleness does not equal loneliness, so seek out God and allow him to pour himself into you life even more.

Look what Paul writes in Romans 8:35-39

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? 36 As it is written, "For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered." 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

See, bad things inevitably will happen. But do not let circumstances separate you from God's love. Christianity is not about having all our desires met, it's about a relationship with God....that cannot be broken because circumstances are not favorable. We have got to get to a point where we love God, even if he doesn't do anything else....because his work for us on the cross was more than enough. So you are having a hard time....keep praying. Be unmovable! I pray that the peace of God covers your heart and you continue in him--unwavering! I also pray that he continues to cover your brother, and this is perfect will be done in both of your lives.
Dodie, the bible says in Romans 8, that we all suffer, all of us together. God has not promised a life free of suffering. Nor did he promise that we will have everything we desire, only those things that are in his will. As followers of God, we must submit to his will, his timing, and his plans....fully persuaded that his plans for you are good. Live your life now, don't wait for it to start. The full manifestation of God in the life of a believer cast's out loneliness. I know some may disagree but singleness does not equal loneliness, so seek out God and allow him to pour himself into you life even more.

Look what Paul writes in Romans 8:35-39

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? 36 As it is written, "For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered." 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

See, bad things inevitably will happen. But do not let circumstances separate you from God's love. Christianity is not about having all our desires met, it's about a relationship with God....that cannot be broken because circumstances are not favorable. We have got to get to a point where we love God, even if he doesn't do anything else....because his work for us on the cross was more than enough. So you are having a hard time....keep praying. Be unmovable! I pray that the peace of God covers your heart and you continue in him--unwavering! I also pray that he continues to cover your brother, and this is perfect will be done in both of your lives.

Thank you ..I have a hard time accepting the bolded. That is where I have a problem. Why do I have desires that cant and will not be fullfilled. It's just hard to knwo that and keep it moving but I know that's what I have to do.
Thank you ..I have a hard time accepting the bolded. That is where I have a problem. Why do I have desires that cant and will not be fullfilled. It's just hard to knwo that and keep it moving but I know that's what I have to do.

Well delay is not denial. I think the key is what Paul said, "to be both content and in want." I think its possible to be perfectly content as a single and I think every single should be in this place before they get married. But if it is a desire, I wouldn't stop asking.
Thank you ..I have a hard time accepting the bolded. That is where I have a problem. Why do I have desires that cant and will not be fullfilled. It's just hard to knwo that and keep it moving but I know that's what I have to do.

Dodie, I don't know you from Adam, but I have to thank you for your brutal honesty and let you know that I feel you on this.

It does seem unfair for us to have desires that might never be quenched and you have every right to feel frustrated. I can't promise you or myself a mate, but what I can ask is what options do you have available to you right now?

Any men in your life currently that are suitable mates?

After 38 years of living, you have met some prospects. Although I know how difficult it is to meet a quality mate, I am quite aware that I have turned down proposals and am still holding out for better offers. I can honestly say that I don't regret my decisions, but now I am getting a firmer grasp of what kind of spouse I will accept because I have no interest to rush and marry some guy that I will have to divorce in 1-2 years.

It's time to re-evaluate the blessings you have in your life currently that you aren't making use of and to walk in faith and not just wait for a miracle. The hardest thing is not to act rashly out of desperation but instead to be deliberate and prayerful with each new relationship you begin. Pray for discernment and date men with potential that you otherwise would ignore.

Whatever you do, please change what you've been doing in the past. If you want love, start displaying love. Help others, hug people, show kindness, mentor children, and be attractive, be like Jesus and SMILE all of the time. :)
Thank you ..I have a hard time accepting the bolded. That is where I have a problem. Why do I have desires that cant and will not be fullfilled. It's just hard to knwo that and keep it moving but I know that's what I have to do.

Dodie, I asked God the samething. My desires aren't something I "conjured up", these are things I FEEL and DESIRE. I know when I'm being "unreal" with my desires or it's something I really don't want.

But I had to realize that God said that he will give me my heart's desires (aligned with His will). I learned that because it doesn't happen right now, doesn't mean God isn't going to do it.

SIDENOTE: I learned when I just drop it and move on God does the very thing that I desire. It's shocking, because I will LITERALLY forget all about it and He done it. Mind blowing.
Dodie, I know that your present circumstances maybe discouraging, but they are not your permanent displacement. Just last week I was discouraged because of what was occurring (or not occurring) in my life. I saw a lady walk past me on the phone crying, I then remembered that not only I am not the only one who has difficult times, but people have it worse than me. I had to give God the glory. Whenever you are presented with a situation try to find the good in it, this really helps me.

Sidney, the amount of wisdom that you have is astonishing. I love it.

SIDENOTE: I learned when I just drop it and move on God does the very thing that I desire. It's shocking, because I will LITERALLY forget all about it and He done it. Mind blowing.

This is very true.
wow! very well said Sidney!


Stay encouraged, dear heart, no matter how you feel. I believe this is the key. Like when it rains, you just know the sun is still there behind those clouds but you also acknowledge the rain. Rain brings renewal and restoration. It's your season to mourn and do some inward reflection and that's OK because it's YOUR season and no one else's.
Just believe that God is always with you, even in the bad times :yep:

We love you! :love2:

Well delay is not denial. I think the key is what Paul said, "to be both content and in want." I think its possible to be perfectly content as a single and I think every single should be in this place before they get married. But if it is a desire, I wouldn't stop asking.
wow! very well said Sidney!


Stay encouraged, dear heart, no matter how you feel. I believe this is the key. Like when it rains, you just know the sun is still there behind those clouds but you also acknowledge the rain. Rain brings renewal and restoration. It's your season to mourn and do some inward reflection and that's OK because it's YOUR season and no one else's.
Just believe that God is always with you, even in the bad times :yep:

We love you! :love2:

Thank you Laela :kiss:. Yes, you are right. It is that season for me and I am trying to fight it. :nono:

With the passing of my dad, the foreclosure and singleness...sometimes the thoughts become so unbearable. :sad: I want things to be different and I want this time to pass..but fighting it is just making it worse I think. :ohwell: But you are right, it is OK. It's my season and God will see me through. I think I'll have "bad" days like yesterday here and there.

Last night I prayed and asked God to forgive me. Here I am crying and complaining...then I think of my brother who has been consoling me during these hard times. Can you believe it?? HE's the one who's mentally ill and he's trying to make me feel better. :perplexed How selfish of me :nono: I felt so bad because things could be so much worse for me.

Anyway, thank you for the kind words.:hug3: I'm just going to let it be & accept things as they are and just pray God gives me the strength to go through it.
just mad at God. I have to be honest, that's just how I feel especially at this moment. :sad:

It makes me not want to pray or even ask for anything. :ohwell: I wonder why He let my brother get mentally sick and why I'm still single and lonely at the age of 38.

Yes, I pray continuously but like I said..it's just unbearable at times and I just can't take it especially with NOTHING changes. I really get upset and ask God why??!?! But how do you question the creator, right? :perplexed
I just dont get it and in the meantime I'm just supposed to ignore all this and be thankful & happy?!?

Sorry but I just need to vent. I'm going through it right now. :nono:

Dodie, most people have felt this way at one time or another. You wonder are your prayers, making it past the ceiling. You must remember that God loves you and he knows how much you can bear. He will never leave you or forsake you.

I like the texts that Sidney shared with you: Romans 8:35-39 - This assures you that nothing can stand between or pull you away from our loving Lord.

Keep looking up! I am also going to put you on my personal prayer list.
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Dodie, I know that your present circumstances maybe discouraging, but they are not your permanent displacement. Just last week I was discouraged because of what was occurring (or not occurring) in my life. I saw a lady walk past me on the phone crying, I then remembered that not only I am not the only one who has difficult times, but people have it worse than me. I had to give God the glory. Whenever you are presented with a situation try to find the good in it, this really helps me.

Sidney, the amount of wisdom that you have is astonishing. I love it.

This is very true.

I wish that was wisdom....wisdom is learning from other's mistakes....I had to learn all that the hard way. :lachen: You know the the Lord had to deal with me.
Thank you Laela :kiss:. Yes, you are right. It is that season for me and I am trying to fight it. :nono:

With the passing of my dad, the foreclosure and singleness...sometimes the thoughts become so unbearable. :sad: I want things to be different and I want this time to pass..but fighting it is just making it worse I think. :ohwell: But you are right, it is OK. It's my season and God will see me through. I think I'll have "bad" days like yesterday here and there.

Last night I prayed and asked God to forgive me. Here I am crying and complaining...then I think of my brother who has been consoling me during these hard times. Can you believe it?? HE's the one who's mentally ill and he's trying to make me feel better. :perplexed How selfish of me :nono: I felt so bad because things could be so much worse for me.

Anyway, thank you for the kind words.:hug3: I'm just going to let it be & accept things as they are and just pray God gives me the strength to go through it.

Wow, your brother is amazing. That was really sweet. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Dodie,

I totally know what your going through and feeling. I go through periods when I get upset with GOD, but after reading all these post, made me realize has GOD left my side EVER, the answer is NO. This feeling of discouragement shall pass with PRAYER. Thanks everyone for the positive posts and because of this forum, I am able to put a smile and remain in prayer.