
New Member
I'm just going to start over....I'm wearing braids now and when i get enough newgrowth I'm going to cut my relax hair off. Then I'm going to continue to wear braids until my hair reaches a length I can manage. I'm just tired of the breakage. I'll keep you ladies informed of my progress...
I think your hair looks really healthy, whats causing the breakage? Whats your regimen?
Well I've had these braids since about the end of july... i have major growth in my nape area.... however the spots in the top which were thinning are nothing but mere newgrowth....the relaxed hair has broken off and i'm left with about i inch of new growth... so what do you ladies suggest when i take these braids out....which will be in about two weeks? I know i have good growth it's just these spots that are so short compared to the rest of my hair.... I'm not really worried as much about the back as i am the top...because the nape which was breaking off is growing back and can be covered up.