I Give Up...


Active Member
I am dropping out of all of the challenges that Im on. I am so tired of my hair. I do not see any progess. Why cant I have long hair? I have been taking care of my hair since sept 2004. I should have never got a relaxer. everytime I touch my hair it comes out. I have the hand in hair disease. I kept thinking about my hair. Ive tried everything. Baggie method, buns, protien treatments nothing works. I am never getting a relaxer again.
What is your regimen? Maybe we can help you change something you are doing. Plus it takes time, I often feel the same way, my length goal is getting there fast enough, but I know its not true. I am more concerned about the overall health of my hair now and will deal with length later.
angelk316 said:
I am dropping out of all of the challenges that Im on. I am so tired of my hair. I do not see any progess. Why cant I have long hair? I have been taking care of my hair since sept 2004. I should have never got a relaxer. everytime I touch my hair it comes out. I have the hand in hair disease. I kept thinking about my hair. Ive tried everything. Baggie method, buns, protien treatments nothing works. I am never getting a relaxer again.

Ok. But if you give up now then you're defeated, by hair. You're not going to let your hair get the better of you now are you?

I think you should keep at it. I too am tired of my hair but I need to look good so........

Anyway, long hair takes patience. Just make sure you're eating healthy and keeping you're hair moisturised and protected day and night. Too much protein dires your hair. Ask me because at the moment I am dealing with some dry hair but oil treatments pre and post shampoo are working. after I deep condition I apply Dabur Vatika (coconut oil based) into my hair. I'm also drinking lots of water.

Patience, patience, patience:D

Yeah, I know. It's like watching paint dry but I am going to have brastrap hair if it's the last thing I do. Then I'll think about growing it longer:think:

Well I'm doing the Super grow out challenge and I can't wait to see what my hair looks like in December '05. I'm also going to join that "Let's drink water like fish challenge" and maybe the deep conditioner challenge.
Here's to longer healthy hair:cheers:
I wash my hair 1X a week, Deep Condition 15-30 min.
Sometimes I do CO washes mid week.
My hair is in a bun whenever i Go out. and I take it down When I come in the door and put a scarf on.
I moisturize 2x a day
I surge 2X a day. Surge has definetley helped wtth growth buy my ends are still breaking.
Im going to be getting cornrows to help with my transition. My hair cant take relaxers.
I will continue to take care of my hair but I will not focus on it as much.
I think one of my problems are I keep touching my hair every minute. Thats why Im braiding my hair up.
surge can dry your hair out. Are you using it on the roots only? I'm not able to use surge at all cause my hair breaks with too much protein.
Angel, I hope you don't give up! 5 months is nowhere near enough time to undo any previous bad habits. Please give your challenges a chance and stick with them! :)
If you do transition I wish you all the best. I finally realized that my hair did not want to be relaxed anymore. My hair is sooo happy that it is no longer being relaxed. So, you are not really giving up, you are learning and growing and you are frustrated. Transitioning is hard too and stressful. So, whatever you decide, just take a deep breath, be patient and like you said, don't worry about it so much. It's all going to be okay. :kiss:
Hey I had the same problem too with my hair coming out. And then when I stopped deep conditioning every week my hair improved alot. Also it may be you are lacking something in your diet that is why your hair is falling, because your hair is a product of your health. Be patient I started on this journey in 2001. I cut and shaved parts of my almost brastrap hair in Jan 2003, then in mid 2004 started trying to look after my hair again and now its almost bra strap again. So, basically it takes time to finally get to know your hair. As alot of people have said not everything that is mentioned on the board works for everyone.
Please don't give up. I think we all get to the point where we want to give up because we don't see progress. I don't know your regimen but I would advise reviewing it, thinking back to what you did when you did when you loved your hair and practicing that regimen once again. It's also important to stay consistent. You have to wait at least a month or two before you see progress when trying any new product or vitamin. I hope you find what works for you, girly. :kiss:
Be patient it takes some people a lot longer than 5 months to see significant improvement in the health of their hair. Especially if it is damaged from root to tip. Hang in there :kiss:
Ooooh no no no no no, tsk tsk. Giving up is absolutely NOT allowed! You hang in there girl, just give it more time. The hair on your hair has been there a lot longer than 5 months, so it may take some time...but with continuous care, you'll be speaking a whole new tune by September 2005 :-D
angelk316 said:
I think one of my problems are I keep touching my hair every minute.

Touching your hair should never be a problem. Hair should never fall out because of touch. If it does that means that those ends are damaged. Stop giving those ends life support and let them go in peace.
Please don't give up Angel:nono: . You can do this!!! Just give it some more time for your hair to get healthy and then you can start retaining length. If you have a digital camera try keeping track, you may notice that your hair is actually getting better if you see what it used to look like in pictures. Good luck with your transition.:)
Aw, man! But you can't give up, practice good hair care in spite of. Try tweeking your regimen and be patient (whether you decide to transition or not). I wish you all the success in the world!!!!!!!!!
You can have healthy hair! You just have to keep trying. You have to figure out what makes your hair grow and what doesn't. What keeps your hair healthy. It takes a while, it takes practice, and dedication, kinda like running a marathon.