
New Member
I'm so through with this ish yall! I wanted to be cute for the first daty of school so I decided to flat iron my hair. The whole process took almost 4 hours ...

1 Pre poo
2 Wash w/ Treasured Locks emu oil shampoo
3 Mixed 3/4 cup of baking soda w/ 1/25 cup of condish and sat with it on my head for about 45 minutes then rinsed
4 DC for 30 minutes
5 Towel Dry and add Tresseme Heat Tamer Spray
6 Blow Dry
7 Flat Iron in small sections

It looked FABULOUS!!! Shiny, bouncy, and beautiful.....

Woke up this morning and my roots were a big puffy MESS!!! My a/c isn't working so I was sweating all night. I wore a ponytail to school today.

I give up.....

*reaches for creamy crack*
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OK...gimme a bigger clue..You are through with natural hair, flat ironing, what?..You are natural I guess from the creamy crack mention.
i am done w/ flat ironing. its useless for me. my hair ALWAYS reverts too quickly, not to mention the waste of time! this was just me venting but any naturals w. suggestions chime in....

oh and i don't think i really needed to post pics being that i explained my issued in the post. not everyone posts pictures when venting/asking for advice...:rolleyes:
i know.. i just wanted to see what my fate is going to look like when i get ready to flat iron.. stay strong... back away from the crack!!!
Have you tried the Sabino moisture block? I hear that works great for keeping your hair straight and of course blocking out moisture.

Sorry your first day didn't go as planned...but I betcha looked cute any way. :)
i know.. i just wanted to see what my fate is going to look like when i get ready to flat iron.. stay strong... back away from the crack!!!

girl i'm tryin. being natural is no joke. i think that my hair just isnt meant to be straight. its time for me to either embrace my curlies full time or....cross over to the dark side...:mob:

Have you tried the Sabino moisture block? I hear that works great for keeping your hair straight and of course blocking out moisture.

Sorry your first day didn't go as planned...but I betcha looked cute any way. :)

yea i've used sabino but honestly it didnt do much for me. and i reeeally wanted to love the stuff.:rolleyes:
It doesn't look like you used any anti-humectants, since you didn't apply anything after the hair was dry. I'd suspect that would help a lot in fighting reversion.
Even if you didn't like the Sabino, a similar product would most likely be of much help.
i can't really put ANYTHING on my flat ironed hair without it becoming really stringy, greasy, and limp. my flat ironed hair WILL NOT move w/ product in it. in fact i can't wrap my hair because the oils from my scalp cause my hair to become too oily and weighed down. i don't know why...my moms side of the family (white folks) have really oily hair and she has to wash it every other day....anyways...do you have any suggestions for some light weight anti humectants??

oh and JUSTKIYA, you make me sick w/ all your info. why you gotta know everything?! :grin:j/k what would this board do w/out you???:sad:
:lol: :look: Girl, don't be putting that lie out there!! I just read fast, and remember a lot. ;)

I don't use heat, so I'm of no help with actual products - I think that LadyLibra has tried a few, and I bet littlegoldlamb has a buttload of reviews for stuff. Maybe a spray type something would work better for you, since your hair gets weighed down so easily? :scratchch
How well moisturized is your hair? I've heard that ladies tend to have better results against reversion when their hair is already deeply moisturized, because then the hair isn't trying to pull moisture from the air.......
:lol: :look: Girl, don't be putting that lie out there!! I just read fast, and remember a lot. ;)

I don't use heat, so I'm of no help with actual products - I think that LadyLibra has tried a few, and I bet littlegoldlamb has a buttload of reviews for stuff. Maybe a spray type something would work better for you, since your hair gets weighed down so easily? :scratchch
How well moisturized is your hair? I've heard that ladies tend to have better results against reversion when their hair is already deeply moisturized, because then the hair isn't trying to pull moisture from the air.......

as of late my hair has been really moisturized (thanks organix!) but i think its because i sweat in my head too much. i guess there is not much i can do about that. :rolleyes:..except maybe repair my a/c
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I know how you feel! As a natural it would take me 5 hours to flat-iron my hair (including poo/con/blowdry, etc) then it would last 2-3 days max and my ac was working! I'm texturized now and my hair still laughs at being flat-ironed:ohwell:.
THis is probably not the answer you want to hear but I don't bother trying to flat iron my hair during the summer months unless I want to wear a semi straight fro. It is really pointless. If you prefer to wear it straight and don't want to use chemicals I would suggest going to a professional to get it done on a regular basis, that way your hair will get used to being straight. I pressed my hair in high school and it only reverted when wet because that was how I typically wore it.
Don't give up , I don't have a solution for your problem but I understand what you feel .
Yesterday I was near to give up , I have a severe breakage in my nape area so now I have a big setback ...
Finally this morning a friend comforted me .
So don't give up :heart2:..
Hang in there! someone suggested sabino moisture block to me. (there's a thread about it around here somewhere). Also, i noticed that my hair reverts in less time if i air dry.
THis is probably not the answer you want to hear but I don't bother trying to flat iron my hair during the summer months unless I want to wear a semi straight fro. It is really pointless. If you prefer to wear it straight and don't want to use chemicals I would suggest going to a professional to get it done on a regular basis, that way your hair will get used to being straight. I pressed my hair in high school and it only reverted when wet because that was how I typically wore it.

thats the conclusion that i have come to. trying to rock a straight style in the summer is pointless. but it is frustrating because bordem is my enemy... i won't be flat ironing my hair until winter time:rolleyes:
I know how you feel. I flatironed today and as soon as I walked out the door *POUF*! Instant Diana Ross, even with relaxed ends....My hair doesn't like being straight, either(I'm transitioning, now).
girl i'm tryin. being natural is no joke. i think that my hair just isnt meant to be straight. its time for me to either embrace my curlies full time or....cross over to the dark side...:mob:

yea i've used sabino but honestly it didnt do much for me. and i reeeally wanted to love the stuff.:rolleyes:

The Sabino did absolutely nothing for me either. I was quite disappointed :perplexed
In this heat you will be lucky to get a straight look for 15 minutes. At least that's how my hair is. I don't think about relaxing my hair though, its not the answer for me. Infact I remember when my relaxed hair would sometimes do the same in the humidity. Try again around October! I won't even bother flatirion till then. Oh and a good friend of mine told me to invest in a better flatironing so I'm buying a Chi. I hope that makes a difference. God knows this $20 Walgreen's cheap ass flatiron is not working on my thick hair LOL
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