I give up!


Well-Known Member
I'm finally tired and I give up!

I give up on wasting my time with people who don't care about me.

I give up on trying to do things myself

I give up on all these wasted tears

I just give up......

Now God u r who u say u are....please catch me cause I'm letting go.
Amen.....you are at a place of total surrender!

Sometimes God brings us through trials and situations just to show us that we cant do things ourselves....and to bring us to our needs. Be encouraged....once we submit ourselves to God things can only get better. If you havent, I encourage you read my posts a "A Place of Total Surrender" and "The Benefits of Total Surrender." I dont know how to link them but they are on the main thread page. I think they really speak to where you are.

Be encouraged. God has heard your cry! God is going to do a mighty work in you, get ready, it only gets better from here!
ITA with brownsugarflyygirl

I just want to encourage you to now change your confession. Yes, you are at a place of surrendering all to God, so I encourage you to tell God, "Whatever you want me to do, I will do, and whereever you want me to go, I will follow." The reason I believe this confession is so important is b/c oftentimes people get frustrated with situations, circumstances, life, etc. and they turn to God for help. But then after they have been helped, they have turned away, and I am not saying that will happen to you, but this pattern is very common, so I just want to encourage you to lean unto Christ for your understanding, read the Word, pray, and just spend time learning and worshipping Christ.
Sweet C said:
ITA with brownsugarflyygirl

I just want to encourage you to now change your confession. Yes, you are at a place of surrendering all to God, so I encourage you to tell God, "Whatever you want me to do, I will do, and whereever you want me to go, I will follow." The reason I believe this confession is so important is b/c oftentimes people get frustrated with situations, circumstances, life, etc. and they turn to God for help. But then after they have been helped, they have turned away, and I am not saying that will happen to you, but this pattern is very common, so I just want to encourage you to lean unto Christ for your understanding, read the Word, pray, and just spend time learning and worshipping Christ.

Great and inspirational post. I like your style.
nychaelasymone said:
I'm finally tired and I give up!

I give up on wasting my time with people who don't care about me.

I give up on trying to do things myself

I give up on all these wasted tears

I just give up......

Now God u r who u say u are....please catch me cause I'm letting go.

Sweet Angel, there are two people who want you at this stage, God and the devil.

God wants you here for His sweet resue and your total surrender to trust Him no matter what...to not give up on Him for surely He has a plan for your life.

The enemy wants you here to snare you and trick you into not believing that God cares for you.

No matter what has occurred in your life to bring you to this point, you are not forsaken. Neither have you lost your mind or control of it.

Two are waiting for you to surrender and to fall with utter submission. Who will you allow to catch you? Trust God. No matter how bad it looks or seems or even feels, Trust God. He will not toss you over into the fire.

Here are the links to Brownsugarflygirl's powerful posts " A Place of Total Surrender" and some other posts to bless you and keep you.


Here are several posts to bless you...


Dreamer26 just posted this today and it will bless you:

"The Struggle is Over" -- "Nychaelasymone", I really think this message was especially meant for you today. The Holy Spirit flowed through Dreamer26 and she yielded ahead of time, \for He knew you were coming, needing to hear this word to bless you.

For you, "Nychaelasymone", "The Struggle is Over"


Here's a word, that the Lord ministered to me last night...God's Visitation to this Forum.


Allow those thoughts of 'unrest' to become loving thoughts of peace for the devil is not going to have you. God will not allow it and neither are you.

You are more than a Conqueror through Jesus Christ who loves you in more ways than we can count, 'trouble.'

Be at peace, angel. Please be at peace. Not matter who or what comes your way or what they have to say, don't allow them or it to steal or tamper with your God-given peace.

Loving hugs... :kiss:
Brownsugarflyygirl said it all ....SURRENDER! Nychaelasymone I have been in your shoes so many times! I get fed up with the people in my life, things not going the way I planned or being disappointed to no avail. But those are the times when I throw up my hands and say "LORD!! I SURRENDER! These problems are too big for me. My way is not getting me anyway and I need your direction. Lord you are bigger than all of my problems and I ask that your WILL not MY WILL be done in my life. Lord I am not smart enough to handle all that comes my way but you can handle all things! Lord I SURRENDER to your way. Please lift this burden off of me. Show me how to release all of my emotions, problems and situations too you. And Father when I release them, show me how to not take them back".

SURRENDER it all to God. Let him fill in those gaps in your life. Let him repair those broken promises and dreams. Because HE is the only one that can change things!

Stay strong my sister in Christ.

This battle is not ours, but it belongs to the Lord. :rosebud:
Sweet C this is so true!
Sweet C said:
ITA with brownsugarflyygirl

I just want to encourage you to now change your confession. Yes, you are at a place of surrendering all to God, so I encourage you to tell God, "Whatever you want me to do, I will do, and whereever you want me to go, I will follow." The reason I believe this confession is so important is b/c oftentimes people get frustrated with situations, circumstances, life, etc. and they turn to God for help. But then after they have been helped, they have turned away, and I am not saying that will happen to you, but this pattern is very common, so I just want to encourage you to lean unto Christ for your understanding, read the Word, pray, and just spend time learning and worshipping Christ.
thank you ladies so much for your inspirational words. Last night around 3AM I found myself in my car, just riding around, No music, nothing......I tried to talk to God but I couldn't find the words. I'm angry and dissapointed with myself and how I allowed things to get out of control. I am fed up, fed up with living a lie, being a liar, and allowing people to throw stones in my life......I'm simply tired. I tried to live the "devil" life for one night and you know I couldn't do it....it's not in me. Right now, I just need God. I really do.....I can't live for the devil....he's trying to kill me! And I can't keep living for my self. I can't do it!!!!!! Right now, I'm just taking a deep breath, allowing myself to cry and purge and my bestfriend is picking me up for church in the morning and hopefully there I can begin my journey for inner peace and happiness. I'm losing myself in my situations and I can't let that happen. I just can't. Thank you ladies....please lift me up in prayer, I'm trying harder and harder to trust God and I know it will get better....things will not always be this way.
nychaelasymone said:
thank you ladies so much for your inspirational words. Last night around 3AM I found myself in my car, just riding around, No music, nothing......I tried to talk to God but I couldn't find the words. I'm angry and dissapointed with myself and how I allowed things to get out of control. I am fed up, fed up with living a lie, being a liar, and allowing people to throw stones in my life......I'm simply tired. I tried to live the "devil" life for one night and you know I couldn't do it....it's not in me. Right now, I just need God. I really do.....I can't live for the devil....he's trying to kill me! And I can't keep living for my self. I can't do it!!!!!! Right now, I'm just taking a deep breath, allowing myself to cry and purge and my bestfriend is picking me up for church in the morning and hopefully there I can begin my journey for inner peace and happiness. I'm losing myself in my situations and I can't let that happen. I just can't. Thank you ladies....please lift me up in prayer, I'm trying harder and harder to trust God and I know it will get better....things will not always be this way.

As I read your post you are in the right place for God to show you something wonderful about him and give you an awesome testimony.

Sometimes God allows us to hit rock bottom or to go as far as we can humanly go before he speak or move. During this time we think he does not care or he's left us but he's allowing us to get to a place that we know if he doesn't move or do something we can't make so he can get all the glory out of the situation. I feel your pain and I understand where you I've been there. But all I can say is keep moving forward, in your tears keep moving forward, in your anger keep moving forward, in your don't understanding times, keep moving forward, and one day it will be all clear and you will be through this test or storm you are going through.


Love Ya and You can make it, you will make it because the end has already been written, and you are victorious.
nychaelasymone said:
thank you ladies so much for your inspirational words. Last night around 3AM I found myself in my car, just riding around, No music, nothing......I tried to talk to God but I couldn't find the words. I'm angry and dissapointed with myself and how I allowed things to get out of control. I am fed up, fed up with living a lie, being a liar, and allowing people to throw stones in my life......I'm simply tired. I tried to live the "devil" life for one night and you know I couldn't do it....it's not in me. Right now, I just need God. I really do.....I can't live for the devil....he's trying to kill me! And I can't keep living for my self. I can't do it!!!!!! Right now, I'm just taking a deep breath, allowing myself to cry and purge and my bestfriend is picking me up for church in the morning and hopefully there I can begin my journey for inner peace and happiness. I'm losing myself in my situations and I can't let that happen. I just can't. Thank you ladies....please lift me up in prayer, I'm trying harder and harder to trust God and I know it will get better....things will not always be this way.

Sweetheart, you're not alone...fighting on your own. He's right there with your every care. Though He may feel so far away, He never is ... He's there with you to stay; for you are His. So much so, that He has written your name upon His heart and upon His hand.

Can a mother forget her nursing child? Neither can God your Father forget you. Trust...for He is there. He never left you and He never will. Trust... and just be still. Trust.

We all have you in our hearts and prayers... :kiss: