I gave someone a jerri curl


New Member
today at beauty school. It was a man and it was the first time i ever did that and i was rather interesting. just thought id share that
butterfly7 said:
How old is he?

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inthestars said:
I thought they stopped making Jherri curl kits.

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I don't know about CO, but Jheri Curls are still very popular with old people in the South.
mly3e said:
How exactly is a Jheri curl done?? I always wondered, but never knew.

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I used to wear a jheri curl (shshsh
) way back when I was young. I had no knowledge of the chemicals or how they worked so I'll just tell you in layman terms what I witnessed.

They'd apply a chemical to straighten your hair and smooth it out like they do when relaxing your hair. Then they'd take these tiny plastic rollers and roll sections of your hair with the chemical still in your hair, using end papers. The rollers came in different sizes depending on how big or small you wanted the curls. They had a rubber band dangling from one end of the roller and one'd have to stretch it over the rolled hair and hook it to the other end of the roller to hold it in place. (There's probably have a name for those rollers, but what do I know?) Then they'd put a net over your head and put you under a dryer. After X minutes, they'd take you out and apply another chemical (neutralizer, I believe). Then take the rollers out to rinse, condition...or whatever it is they do.
Been a while since I relaxed my hair and I've got a head like a sieve.