I gave in...mini MTG/vits update


New Member
Oh boy my hair has been in cornrows for now 5weeks and half and i couldnt take it anymore was supposed to leave it 3months but the hair is so unruly and thanksgiving is around the corner i want to do a braidout as i m invited by friends and family with my hubby. i will be now be able to give a better and fairer assessment of the mtg as now i can see my hair. It has been 5months since i started the mtg beginning july but i only used it 4 months as i run out in september. What do i notice first thing it still does leave some white sulfur in the cornrows once removed, the hair remained moist but i found that my hair is dryer than last time but still moist it was oily moisturized when i used to use the masketi so first lesson for me when i use the mtg daily in the morning, i will next time use masketi or wgo in the evening so my hair aint dry. As far as growth, first of all i notice that back/kitchen and sides grow faster than my hairline and crown area i dont know if its the mtg and the vits and i dont know if my hair is dryer because i dont use EPO and masketi anymore. hum its good to cut things sometimes to see what do what. As far as length, my hair is all bushy natural 4b so i struggle inside the hair with my tape measurer :lachen: but was wonderfully surprised its really bushy and i had to manipulate my camera to encompass the hair it has shrinkage but let see. in july i started with 2" all around. i now have back/kitchen:7'', crown 6'', sides 6.5'' and hairline 6". I m not happy with the dryness even though its moist i went to the bss on 116th and purchased Lekair natural shea butter cholesterol creme to do a deep cond, i m first clarify then cond and deep cond and i also just bought Hollywood super grow new natural herbal formula grease so i can braid my hair and do a braidout on thanksgiving. I took pics today i will go drop my camera and have pics up tonite or tomorrow but all in all great growth but i learned that mtg is a little drying and i have to add some moisturizing oils to it ohhh i forgot my eyebrows are really bushy too i dont see my arch anymore and they used to be very arched i m mad for that i will get them done tomorrow i love dramatically arched brows

updated pics 11/22
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ekomba said:
Oh boy my hair has been in cornrows for now 5weeks and half and i couldnt take it anymore was supposed to leave it 3months but the hair is so unruly and thanksgiving is around the corner i want to do a braidout as i m invited by friends and family with my hubby. i will be now be able to give a better and fairer assessment of the mtg as now i can see my hair. It has been 5months since i started the mtg beginning july but i only used it 4 months as i run out in september. What do i notice first thing it still does leave some white sulfur in the cornrows once removed, the hair remained moist but i found that my hair is dryer than last time but still moist it was oily moisturized when i used to use the masketi so first lesson for me when i use the mtg daily in the morning, i will next time use masketi or wgo in the evening so my hair aint dry. As far as growth, first of all i notice that back/kitchen and sides grow faster than my hairline and crown area i dont know if its the mtg and the vits and i dont know if my hair is dryer because i dont use EPO and masketi anymore. hum its good to cut things sometimes to see what do what. As far as length, my hair is all bushy natural 4b so i struggle inside the hair with my tape measurer :lachen: but was wonderfully surprised its really bushy and i had to manipulate my camera to encompass the hair it has shrinkage but let see. in july i started with 2" all around. i now have back/kitchen:7'', crown 6'', sides 6.5'' and hairline 6". I m not happy with the dryness even though its moist i went to the bss on 116th and purchased Lekair natural shea butter cholesterol creme to do a deep cond, i m first clarify then cond and deep cond and i also just bought Hollywood super grow new natural herbal formula grease so i can braid my hair and do a braidout on thanksgiving. I took pics today i will go drop my camera and have pics up tonite or tomorrow but all in all great growth but i learned that mtg is a little drying and i have to add some moisturizing oils to it ohhh i forgot my eyebrows are really bushy too i dont see my arch anymore and they used to be very arched i m mad for that i will get them done tomorrow i love dramatically arched brows
Okay so let me get this straight you grew 5 inches in the back and more then 4 inches on the sides that is excellent, considering normal growth would be just 2 inches period. and that is only if your healthy. The actual average grow is 1/4. You get 1/2 if your healthy and if you have fast growing hair. I can't wait to see some results with MTG in my hair I have seen it but i want to see more. major stuff right now its just to darn short. But I am enjoying the experience.
Sounds like you had some significant growth:eek: .

I started using MTG again because I bought the big bottle and didnt know what to do with it after I didnt notice much growth in July. But I am now using it almost every other day and I hope when I take my braids out next month I will be pleasantly suprised.
I cant wait to see your pictures:) .
voila i updated my fotki and posted the pix but i apologize in advance because in the pix my hair is not washed and dirty . i did not detangled and it s full of white sulfur residue that was trapped in the braids as i just removed the cornrows after 5 weeks and half. i will detangle first then wash them this evening

I though you meant u were in braids for five months, five weeks, that is alot of growth I have to rethink my MTG AGAIN
Trudy said:
I though you meant u were in braids for five months, five weeks, that is alot of growth I have to rethink my MTG AGAIN

no trudy i did my first set of cornrows that i kept 2 months(july/august) and used mtg for 2 months the first month straight and 2nd month diluted and got 3" total than the third month sept i had run out and just did twists with my own hair but just used masketi and the vitamins i only gain an inch in places it was 5" and oct 12 i put a new set of cornrows that i took out today nov 22 its almost 5 weeks and half and i remember in the back when pulling the cornrows seeing 2" but when i removed everything today i was like wow but the hair did not feel the same it was still moist but dry kinda but back 7",crown 6" sides 6"5 and hairline 6" and for me it was the first time using mtg straight for a long period so in total i been using mtg for 4 months
Lkaysgirl said:
Sounds like you had some significant growth:eek: .

I started using MTG again because I bought the big bottle and didnt know what to do with it after I didnt notice much growth in July. But I am now using it almost every other day and I hope when I take my braids out next month I will be pleasantly suprised.
I cant wait to see your pictures:) .

i posted them now and i just finished to wash them. yeah Lkaysgirl i feel for me MTG gives me more growth when it s not diluted and when i used it daily or every other day under baggy but i always have the white sulfur that be in my hair after i take cornrows out but as i baggy daily fortunately it does not solidify in my hair as hard build up
msportugal said:
wowzers you have some serious growth i have to really double up on the mtg

Yeah i m shocked i leave it alone with the mtg daily but i m thinking of adding wgo or masketi at night so it can be more moisturized. i also notice that not only my brows and lashes grew crazy but my eyebrows are so dark like i painted them black but i dont know if its because they full and bushy cause i notice it a lot in my face i just got them done an hour ago but they still thick. it took me like 45 mns to detangle that jungle i could not put a comb in there and i did not have shampoo so instead of breaking hair i saturated my hair with the vo5 kiwi and lime clarifying, mixed with the lekair cholesterol shea butter put the plastic bag 20mns than detangle a little bit then took a big comb and went through each area and saturated my hair with the lekair rinse it and guess what i know it was the mtg cause my hair was burning something fierce i did not shed a lot i did not even shed how i usually shed just a little ball and nothing else for now then i saturated the hair with lekair cholesterol shea butter ooooooooooooooh omg i looooooooooooooooove it the comb went through crazy no hurt no tangles no pain i was like what and i added free me freesia cond and put everything in one big ponytail saturated all over with cholesterol shea butter its way better than the peach one u cant even compare them then i put two plastic caps and i m letting it overnight i will rinse in the morning. girl u know gonna believe me that my hair is so thick i just bought the lekair cholesterol shea butter i use the whole thing :lachen: so tomorrow i do braids all over and take them out thursday morning for thanksgiving wow what an adventure man :grin:
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Naijaqueen said:
wow your hair has grown a lot since your big chop in jUne!!!
C'est bien ca!!

Thanks Naijaqueen! so far im like okay i m getting consistent growth from the mtg. i m thinking of adding the soy protein shakes back in my diet and go back on a modified high protein good carbs(veggies/fruits) protein and taking all my vits to up it i m see if i can dream of brastrap in april. but i only did 3 sets of cornrows and one set of twists for the past 5months and i m amazed by the growth accumulated since june's big chop. i think it makes the baggy and protective styles worth it to me and more bearable after thanksgiving the hair is back up braided for the whole year in 2006 and i m saying to myself all the work and the extreme stuff will be just for one year till waistlength than i m good even midback i take it :grin:
Ekomba...I love those eyebrows!!!They are gorgeous. I hope I get some of that, and I can tell your eyelashes are black and both your eyebrows and lashes are "glistening!" That is some growth. I really can tell personally that MTG thickens something fierce. Good job! bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Ekomba...I love those eyebrows!!!They are gorgeous. I hope I get some of that, and I can tell your eyelashes are black and both your eyebrows and lashes are "glistening!" That is some growth. I really can tell personally that MTG thickens something fierce. Good job! bonjour

Thanks girl i was so shocked when i saw the brows and the lashes because i always u know wear the baggy and as i put the mtg and dont put make up lately i wash my face as i take my shower so i never really pay attention to my face. i had the cornows for 5 weeks and half and so when it was time to remove the braids for the first time i really looked at my face and saw the brows and lashes! and was like wtf ! i did not like it cause it was too much like too tick bushy and it felt like i had painted it jet black very shiny the chinese lady at the wax place asked me if i colored them jet black and what i did cause she always do my brows and they never been so bright black and thick and usually they like a dark brown black matte and the lashes are long too but overall i think mtg makes the hair really really thick! i m really impressed but i still dont like the brows i went and got them done yesterday but she still let them too big i m not used to it i never had them that huge in my entire life she even wax between the brows embarassing sheeshh i dont want no unibrow but i went home and cut some of the brows to gain some type of arch not a lot but now i feel better it still thicker and bigger than in the first update but very very jet black the lashes too i dont need mascara anymore :grin: