i found.....


Well-Known Member
back when i first joined this site (ot that long ago) i bought some butters from FNWL. well i basically never used them and found them in a drawer this weekend. i have refined shea butter and some others (shealoe, aloe, cocoa, and hemp seed) and i wanted to know is refined shea good for the hair? i know unrefined is the best but i dont have that. i already have my staple moisturizer but if this works then why not put it to use right?

so is the refined shea good enough?
have you used it?
do you like it?
Ummm.... If you have had the butters for under two years and they do not smell rancid then use them. You have some good ones that can be used on the hair/scalp and body. The shea butter that you have is the same kind that I do. I am natural and i use it on my scalp and hair and sometimes my skin as well. You melt in your hand and rub it in or just rub a little in. HTH.