I found some DDTA, doing a happy dance!!!


Well-Known Member
My daughter kept bugging me to go to Dollar Tree and I finally went to one. However, I did not go to the usual one but one that was closer to the house. Of course the PJ in me just had to look at the hair stuff and to my wandering eyes did appear some DDTA shampoo. I bought like 8 bottles of the 25% free size. They did not have the conditioner but I am on the prowl to check the other Dollar Trees in the area!!!
kitchen_tician said:
Congrats on your bargain!!! :weird: What's DDTA?

girrrrl, i thought it was just me! i was over in the LHCF acronyms thread tryna see what it is. i didn't ask because i didn't want anyone to know i was confused... but since i ain't the only one... :grin:
adrienne0914 said:
okay, thanks... what is that? :look:

Usually when people on here talk about it, they're talking about the Clairol conditioner.. it's really cheap (less than $1 at most places) .. a lot of transitioners and natural ladies like it because it helps to detangle and gives major moisture and slip.. and you know what, they are COMPLETELY RIGHT, I tried it for the first time today and I love the stuff!
I found some myself this past weekend. They were only .50 per bottle. There were several on the shelf just collecting dust. I tried it out and the conditioner was okay. My hair was a little hard during the co-wash, but that could have been because of the product that was put in my earlier in the week by a cosmetology student. I'll give it another try this weekend and see how it works then.