I Found An INDIAN STORE - WHat should I get??


Well-Known Member
My first time going girls!! WHat should I get ?????????? I'm so excited. I'll be going in the next 2 hours so please tell me what to stock up on !! Woo Hoo

My current List
Alma Oil
Coconut Oil
Almond Oil

What else should I get???
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Get some henna jamila brand?? I think thats the way its spelled and its supposed to be cheaper there!
Have fun!!!
Cococnut oil!!!!!!! This stuff is the truf ( :lol: ) when stretching. It works really well when mixed in your condish as a pre-poo (well, it did for me).
NessaNessa said:
Cococnut oil!!!!!!! This stuff is the truf ( :lol: ) when stretching. It works really well when mixed in your condish as a pre-poo (well, it did for me).

Girl you are not lying. I did a pre-condish on my daughter's naturals yesterday with cholesterol and coconut oil, placed a plastic cap and left it on overnight. When I washed today it was out of this world. Sooooooooo shiny and easily detangled. Not to mentioned conditioned. This is definitely a keeper.
Woo Hoo I is on my way. I should change my siggy. I am text-laxed like a mug. Curly Q's everywhere. Prolly cause I only left the SE Mild in for like 10 minutes, but I was b'cause of the braids. I just used Humetco for the first time, I think I'm in :love:

Thanks ladies I know that coconut oil is the ish, a lady with hair down her back was swearing by it on the henna site.

I loves me some ya'll!! :love:
I Figured out what to Get Alright Part 1

I actually ended up going to a Pakistani store first on Roswell Road right off of Lower Roswell by the Big Chicken.

Then after going th Whole Foods (aka Whole Pay Check) I found out about a mom and pop Indian store that had all the ish in there execpt for the Cassia that I really want to get. Everthing was SO inexpensive!

My List of Goodies. Okay after this I'm done shopping for a minute, except for the Cassia Henna powder (that's a powder that is conditioning only, does not deposit color, it's good for controling curls and adding shine and body)

Whole Foods trip:

I actually went in there for fruit, juice and the Hemp oil....but I got
  1. Organic Hemp Seed Oil, if you Google this, it is 50 times better than Flax seed oil and provides the Omega 3 - 6 - 9. (I wil add as a part of my daily supplements)
  2. Rose Petal Witch Hazel - for my oily prone skin (big Bonus)
  3. All Terrain Aloe Gel with healing herbs - sea algae, chamomile, comfrey, cucumber, and lavender. I'm using this to counter act an acne medication that I'm using which is great. I'll use this during the day and my med at night.(I have hormone related acne which is being cleared up medically) Big Bonus
  4. Mill Creek - BIOTIN Shampoo - I didn't plan on it but the ingrediants ROCK, good for scalp, hair, none of the no no stuff in it at all and it proudly states that on the lable. Paraben free too (what ever that is) Ph blanced. the second ingrediant is Biotin!!! Unplanned purchase!
  5. Same company - Keratin Conditioner, same great ingrediants. My hair needs protein every was due to the damaged condition of my hair cuitcle from braids. As it grows out, I will be able to back off the protein. lots of goodies in this one too (unplanned purchase)
  6. A sexy tall muslim guy told me to get this so how could I say no? Alba Pinapple Citrus Body Cream....One Word : YUM!! and I got the Passion Fruit Body Wash.
Good Lawd, I may not have self control but I smell GOOOD!!
I Figured Out What to Get Part 2

Pakistani Store:
  1. Naajo - Superior Quality Henna - She insisted it was better than all the names I mentioned to her. (I wasn't looking for that because a precious member sent me some already) :love:
  2. Almond Oil - Maya Overseas Inc
  3. SunDip Rose water, because I saw it in someone's Henna mix - smells great, to help with the smell I think it what it's for - I'm going to put in the fridge
  4. A big ole thing of Dabar Alma oil for less than $5.00 from New Delhi. I've read it's good to mix with your henna if you want a darker color also. I'm guessing it's either 12 or 16 oz
  5. A 100% coconut oil that I can't read because it's not english 7 oz $1.50
  6. Last but not least, after I met that fine fella (not sure of his nationality other than he was muslim and tall, like over 6'4" (I'm 5'11") <faints> I went to the "as he put it mom and pop" indian store around the corner (I'm going back to the fine young gentleman to get more details of course on the other indian stores, just because was so...helpful...) but ya'll didn't ask me all that did ya? Mom & Pop had Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil. It has some other stuff in it...but you guys already know about that one...
Venturing out is a very good thing, checking out other cultures is a wonderful thing. The Pakistani store had a cafe! I'm going there for lunch next week fer sure and she said she could get me the Cassia.

I'm feeling mighty blessed right now.

LHCF = :love:
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Re: I Figured Out What to Get Part 2

I'm soooo jealous!! I wish there was an Indian store in my area :(
There is one International food market in my area that i frequent, but the selection is limited. I like trying out foods and products of various cultures too......do they have an online site?? :)
Re: I Figured Out What to Get Part 2

amr501 said:
I'm soooo jealous!! I wish there was an Indian store in my area :(
There is one International food market in my area that i frequent, but the selection is limited. I like trying out foods and products of various cultures too......do they have an online site?? :)

No need to be jealous. This was just my first venture out. We could work sumthin out where I can get you what you want and we work out the cost through PayPal or sunthin... No need for the love not to be spread around.

One un-named member who I would only name with her permission taught me how to share what we learn here. This is what life is about. So ... stay tuned and figure out what you want because I am going to find out where the real deal stores are in the "Metro Atlanta Area" which is bigger than Los Angeles County for real!

Let's share success, that way we will all have more.....
Re: I Figured Out What to Get Part 2

AtlantaJJ said:
No need to be jealous. This was just my first venture out. We could work sumthin out where I can get you what you want and we work out the cost through PayPal or sunthin... No need for the love not to be spread around.

One un-named member who I would only name with her permission taught me how to share what we learn here. This is what life is about. So ... stay tuned and figure out what you want because I am going to find out where the real deal stores are in the "Metro Atlanta Area" which is bigger than Los Angeles County for real!

Let's share success, that way we will all have more.....

:rosebud: Awww thanks!! That is so thoughtful!!
Atlanta JJ, was that Indian store called Shavim Grocery or something like that in the shopping center next to the Brasilian store. I just went to an Indian store off of Lower Roswell today. I picked up some Amla oil, Shikakai and Amla powder which I used today. The results were great too!
sheena m said:
Atlanta JJ, was that Indian store called Shavim Grocery or something like that in the shopping center next to the Brasilian store. I just went to an Indian store off of Lower Roswell today. I picked up some Amla oil, Shikakai and Amla powder which I used today. The results were great too!

The place I went to was on Powers Ferry... Which is around the corner from where you went. He had an Alma powder thing too that was like $2.00 that he showed me! I didn't get it becaue I was a chicken and said let me go back and check with my girls...(cause I'm new right) well I've been reading that Alma powder in your Henna mix is like the bomb with a diggity added. Or you can just do the Alma powder thing by its self.

Girl I'm just trying take all this info in a bit at the time. I just joined this site late last month, went from terror to great hope in 0 - 60...(car lovers) but let me know what you found cause sounds like you were one street over from me... Lower Roswell Rd is one block East of Powers Ferry....
Re: I Figured Out What to Get Part 2

amr501 said:
I'm soooo jealous!! I wish there was an Indian store in my area :(
There is one International food market in my area that i frequent, but the selection is limited. I like trying out foods and products of various cultures too......do they have an online site?? :)

BTW there are a lot of online sites too...
AtlantaJJ I am gla you found and Indian store. I was so excited whenI found one in my area! this reminds me that I need to go and buy some Alma and coconut oil for my winter prepoo treatments.
Instant Henna?? Naajo Superior Quality Henna

I got a brand called Naajo Superior Quality Henna - It says instant! It says mix into paste put on hair for 30 mins or longer for darker colors and that's it. I didn't notice the instant on there, the lady in the store recommended it to me. All the writing is in Pakistani so I don't know how that works
Has anyone heard of this?

I have regular henna too that's what I'm going to mix up now. I did a google but I didn't see anything out there...
Re: I Figured out what to Get Alright Part 1

AtlantaJJ said:
I actually ended up going to a Pakistani store first on Roswell Road right off of Lower Roswell by the Big Chicken.

Then after going th Whole Foods (aka Whole Pay Check) I found out about a mom and pop Indian store that had all the ish in there execpt for the Cassia that I really want to get. Everthing was SO inexpensive!

My List of Goodies. Okay after this I'm done shopping for a minute, except for the Cassia Henna powder (that's a powder that is conditioning only, does not deposit color, it's good for controling curls and adding shine and body)

Whole Foods trip:

I actually went in there for fruit, juice and the Hemp oil....but I got
  1. Organic Hemp Seed Oil, if you Google this, it is 50 times better than Flax seed oil and provides the Omega 3 - 6 - 9. (I wil add as a part of my daily supplements)
  2. Rose Petal Witch Hazel - for my oily prone skin (big Bonus)
  3. All Terrain Aloe Gel with healing herbs - sea algae, chamomile, comfrey, cucumber, and lavender. I'm using this to counter act an acne medication that I'm using which is great. I'll use this during the day and my med at night.(I have hormone related acne which is being cleared up medically) Big Bonus
  4. Mill Creek - BIOTIN Shampoo - I didn't plan on it but the ingrediants ROCK, good for scalp, hair, none of the no no stuff in it at all and it proudly states that on the lable. Paraben free too (what ever that is) Ph blanced. the second ingrediant is Biotin!!! Unplanned purchase!
  5. Same company - Keratin Conditioner, same great ingrediants. My hair needs protein every was due to the damaged condition of my hair cuitcle from braids. As it grows out, I will be able to back off the protein. lots of goodies in this one too (unplanned purchase)
  6. A sexy tall muslim guy told me to get this so how could I say no? Alba Pinapple Citrus Body Cream....One Word : YUM!! and I got the Passion Fruit Body Wash.
Good Lawd, I may not have self control but I smell GOOOD!!

Awwwww...yay!!! Girl, I purchased MillCreek Keratin a couple of months ago from Whole Foods. I like it!!! Got the shampoo and conditioner. I haven't gotten the opportunity to really get deep with using it because I've been too busy battling shedding but I will be faithful to it after I'm done with my perscrip poo and this shedding mess is gone!!!
To Cayenne

Cayenne0622 said:
Awwwww...yay!!! Girl, I purchased MillCreek Keratin a couple of months ago from Whole Foods. I like it!!! Got the shampoo and conditioner. I haven't gotten the opportunity to really get deep with using it because I've been too busy battling shedding but I will be faithful to it after I'm done with my perscrip poo and this shedding mess is gone!!!
:yay: so you went to the doc and they hooked you up with some meds for your hair and scalp? Did they say what may be causing the sheding? I know it works like a charm for you and stops the shedding right away! I know you have been working so hard on getting this worked out and you have had such a positive attitude. I just know that this work for you and then you can start enjoying the other aspects of hair care.

I'm glad you posted an we can be MillCreek Twins ! :yay:
Mill Creek Keratin, Jojoba and Biotin are all great conditioners with wonderful ingredients. They have done well by me, leaving my hair both strong and moisturized. The only thing I don't like is the peppermint smell of the Biotin, but they really are great conditioners.
Re: To Cayenne

AtlantaJJ said:
:yay: so you went to the doc and they hooked you up with some meds for your hair and scalp? Did they say what may be causing the sheding? I know it works like a charm for you and stops the shedding right away! I know you have been working so hard on getting this worked out and you have had such a positive attitude. I just know that this work for you and then you can start enjoying the other aspects of hair care.

I'm glad you posted an we can be MillCreek Twins ! :yay:

Yes, I had a major traumatic wisdom tooth surgery in May. I went through hell with my insurance company and was in pure anxiety/stress about have those teeth removed. I had an allergic reaction to one of the meds I was on...I don't know if it was the laughing gas, the anesthesia, the pain med or the antibiotic. I ended up in the er and at my docs office having chest xrays, etc a few days after the surgery due to chest tightness. So long story short....the stressful even triggered the hairloss. Thank God Almighty that is has been growing like crazy at the same time. I don't have any bald spots but I do see lots of short hairs sprayed all over my head from hair that has regrown. Thanks for the kind words and all the encouragement. Next year, I hope to be posting Arm Pit Length healthy thick hair!! whoo hoo!:grin: We can definitely be MillCreek twins. Its a wonderful product line.:) Happy Hair Growing!!