i found a stylist who actuall knows how to apply relaxer the right way


New Member
i go to a dominican salon and recently they hired a guy to work there. i was shocked but impressed. hes has a nice long ponytail and doesnt rush like the other stylist. I finally got him to do my wash and set and boy was it great.. he took his time washing and massaging my scalp aand when he was done and about to rollerset .. he actually took out a wide tooth comb to detangle my hair first.. i was so hooked after that .. its like i fell in love.. and he was so friendly talking and asking what my name was etc.. So i went there today to get a wash but he was doing someones relaxer and one reason why i started wanting to do my own relaxer was cause I felt that the stylist put too much relaxer on the comb when they applied to your hair.. it look like a big glop of mayonnaise on one piece of hair.. This new stylist used very small amounts and you could tell he was very careful that he didnt get it on the already relaxed hair. so now iim happy cause if i dont feel like doing my own i can be confident that my hair will be done correctly... im so happy..
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That's wonderful! It's nice to see how a stylist works on someone else's hair before letting them do your own! Good luck. :)
That is good news for you- It is so hard to find quality stylists and I hope that he remains there and doesn't let the bad habits of the other stylists rub off on him either.
Many hair blessings!!!
charos hair salon.. dominican spot... i dont know his name but i will find out.. regular prices like 20 for a wash and set and 40 for a relaxer.