I forgot my 6-year natural anniversary!


Well-Known Member
I am losing my mind, I BC'd July 7, 2002 to 1/8" of hair (yes, you could see my scalp). Anyway, before I found lhcf I was a member of other natural hair care forums and they helped my hair thrive in it's natural state. But then in 2004 (avatar), I went a little heat crazy and suffered severe heat damage (no reversion).

So, in December 2006 I joined lhcf and in October 2007 after seeing so much inspiration on this site I decided to start taking my hair seriously and I have seen tremendous results!!!

If I hadn't had my heat setback who knows what length I would be now....but it has been a great lesson learned and I am proud to say that I am 6 years NATURAL!!!
Thank you ladies so much, I really appreciate all the support......it has been a struggle!!!!