I wasn't going to post but I figured what the hey. I have pics of my hair "flatironed". It was as straight as I could get it. My ends are at the end of my brastrap but are so thin (those queen pieces that shot off by themselves) that you can't even see them...just a little in pic 1 and 5.
I'm a little disappointed that it's not longer. I think I have only attained 3" since last year. I feel like my hair isn't growing. Maybe this is the longest it will be. Do any of you ever feel like that? That your hair is predetermined to be a certian length and that's it? I know we all have the potential to get it to bra strap but after that....I don't know. I did have a minor setback (set me back about 3"..I wasn't going to mention it but Adrienne thought it may serve to help others, mama knows
)...I thought I would texturize my ends cause they kept knotting...what a bone-head idea..my ends have been breaking on and off since. I was pretty foolish though I texturized the ends Sept 2001 (2x in one day) then April 2002. See, this is the reason I should stay away from chemicals. Even with all I know, I still tried to texturize my ends 2x in a day...sheesh. Needless to say my ends went reddish-brown..
and started to split and break. Thanks goodness, I have about 1" more and it's all gone.
Anyhoo, I blowdried my left side and braided to dry my right side then flatironed with my Revlon 20 heat setting flatiron on 15 and that's how it turned out. I applied kemi oyl before flationing and Profectiv's Healthy ends (all over) after. And my hair was verrrrrrry soft.
I'll update my pics in August when I get back from my trip. Hopefully the humidity will get it to grow. I'm hoping it's all one length at the end of my brastrap.
I'm a little disappointed that it's not longer. I think I have only attained 3" since last year. I feel like my hair isn't growing. Maybe this is the longest it will be. Do any of you ever feel like that? That your hair is predetermined to be a certian length and that's it? I know we all have the potential to get it to bra strap but after that....I don't know. I did have a minor setback (set me back about 3"..I wasn't going to mention it but Adrienne thought it may serve to help others, mama knows
Anyhoo, I blowdried my left side and braided to dry my right side then flatironed with my Revlon 20 heat setting flatiron on 15 and that's how it turned out. I applied kemi oyl before flationing and Profectiv's Healthy ends (all over) after. And my hair was verrrrrrry soft.
I'll update my pics in August when I get back from my trip. Hopefully the humidity will get it to grow. I'm hoping it's all one length at the end of my brastrap.