I finished my braids (pics)

Thank you so much. Ya'll are gonna make me blush.
I tell you, I love having braids. If you can do them yourself it's a great thing. Just don't plan on having anything to do for a weekend
welcome...how did you do your braids yourself? I just can't imagine holding my hands up for so long. Also, how do you do the back and crown because that seems like it would be hard? I have braids in now, but next time I want to do it myself instead of putting $$$into other people's hands.
Sorry it took so long to reply. The website on my end went down for a while.
Ok. I actually use two mirrors when I do my hair. I have two door length mirrors and I have two hampers. I put one mirror up against one hamper and the other mirror against the other hamper so that the mirrors are facing each other. Then I sit in between the two mirrors and go to work. I also have a floor lamp that has 3 lights on it. It's tall enough so it's over my head the entire time. I have a full view of the back and the top of my head.
This time it took a long time to finish my hair. I started at midnight on Friday morning and did not finish this morning. It normally does not take me that long, but it took extra long this time. I normally start on a Friday night and finish sometime on Saturday - like 6pm.
You did a great job and they look good on you! :up: Those same braids would take me about 4 or five days :look:
Oh my goodness girl that is tooooooooooo cute!!!!!! You did a really good job. And that style really fits your face. Really pretty pics and pretty hair!!!!!
Thanks everyone. Once again, I really appreciate it.
I was really impressed by the hair b/c it's actually synthetic. I've never used synthetic before. It's a little shiny, but hopefully the shiine will go away some in time. :)