I finished my album!(pics)


Well-Known Member
Well, with all the free time I had while the forum was down, to curb my withdrawels, I finished my album. I have my starting pics from a little over a year ago, my current pics, my products, and my weight loss pics all up and running. No real progress since starting from here a new regimen(June), but hopefully Im on my way! I have been using a lot of trial and error to see what works for my hair. Thumbs up on frequent washing/co washing and a few (few hundred--just kiddin) products Ive picked up.

If I made that much progress with little to no effort in a year, hopefully in another year I can make it to bra strap with a good regimen and vitamins! wish me luck and Ill keep u posted...I probably wont post more pics till next touch up(trying to wait till August or September...last one was the end of may)
Your hair has grown a lot from your short to current length photos. I just wanted to say congratulations on your weight loss, because I know that's not an easy thing to do. I have enough trouble just trying to lose 10 pounds! Keep up the good work!
Your hair progress looks great!
And your weightloss photos are really inspiring
thx for the support ladies! I have been really slacking on the weight loss thing since I came back from my cruise to the bahamas at the beginning of April. I havent worked out consistently since! I used to work out 5 and 6 days a week and loved it, I dont know what happened to my motivation but Im starting back this week.

In order for me not to kill myself Ill start with 3 days an work my way back up to 5-6. I still have about 15 pounds to lose and Ive gained a little since the cruise and continuing my eating vacation through now...lol. bad bad bad!!!!
Wow, I just got through looking at your weightloss pictures. I can do it, I can do it, is now what I'm saying. Great progress!
You have some really nice pics girl. Your hair and weight progres is awesome. I cna't wait until I can master the roller wrap.
Your hair looks great. Congrats on your weightloss. I too know how hard it is to lose weight. I lost 25 pounds and still have 20 to go and it is so hard but I love it when I work out so I just have to get myself to do it. Good luck and continue the good progress.