I finally used my MAXIGLIDE!!!


Well-Known Member
I have been watching other people rave about their experiences with the maxiglide and I got a little envious because I wanted to see my hair straight but I was so scared I was gonna pull out my hair or burn it off. I am pleased with the results. I have the pics in my fotki album under year four. This month is also my fourth year anniversary that I have been natural. My goal right now is to reach bra strap length before the end of the year. Hopefully I can make it. Ladies let me know what you all think.

Also I have new pregnancy pics in year three.

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prettykinks said:
I have been watching other people rave about their experiences with the maxiglide and I got a little envious because I wanted to see my hair straight but I was so scared I was gonna pull out my hair or burn it off. I am pleased with the results. I have the pics in my fotki album under year four. This month is also my fourth year anniversary that I have been natural. My goal right now is to reach bra strap length before the end of the year. Hopefully I can make it. Ladies let me know what you all think.

Also I have new pregnancy pics in year three.


Your hair looks great! WHERE can I get a maxiglide and how does it cost chica!!!!
Your hair is long and beautiful, WOW. Your stomach is beautiful. When I was preggers I took pictures of my stomach also. Be sure to moisturize that belly.
stargazer613 said:
looks good! did you use the plates with the comb or the flat plate? TIA

I straightened my hair with the plate with the teeth. The day of the pics I used the smooth plate to take the dent from my ponytail holder out.