I finally updated my fotki account


Stay at home Mommy
There isnt any mind blowing pics in there. Most are older pictures that I never had the chance to add. Please excuse my face in a couple of the pictures I try to not show it usually. I can say that my hair grows quickly. I am constanly cutting and it just seems to never really get shorter.
I love your hair color, thats my ideal color! Your Christmas style it really pretty as well.
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Your hair is so THICK and I love your haircolor! I bet it is gorgeous when u flat iron it!
can you come to Kentucky and twist my hair up so I can do a twistout!? :grin: your hair looks nice and thick! i can't wait to grow out all the relaxer out of my hair. how long have you been transitioning? whatever you do, keep having fun with your hair! ;)
Thank you all for your nice words! I was smiling from ear to ear while I was reading it =) Thank you for the nice comments about the color, it used to be alot lighter but has darkened since I've gotten older.

Poohbear, I wish that I did live close because I would love to twist your hair, that would be so much fun! I have been transitioning for 2 years. I am all natural except for the topmost of my crown area. My hair grows sooo slow in that spot. I still have a bit of relaxer left on the ends there.