I finally texturized and cut my hair - Pics!!


Active Member
So after 11 months of transiotioning, I took the plunge and texturized on Friday 5/7. The look is still growing on me. I cut off most of my relaxed ends. Take a look at the pics in my album and let me know your thoughts, your questions, anything.
Your hair looks great! What is your hair type? How do you maintain the texturizer? How often do you have the process done?
kitty18 said:
Your hair looks great! What is your hair type? How do you maintain the texturizer? How often do you have the process done?

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Thanks everyone!! My SO likes it (I think
) Kitty, I am a mixture of 3C and 4A. Maintenance is supposed to be the easy part. I can either wear it wash and go (curly) or set it on rollers to wear it straight. My main problem is keeping it moisturised when I wear it curly. I will be going to have the process done every 3-4 months depending on how long I can hold out for.
Definately looks good!

You'll have to play around w/ products to figure out how your hair will look curly. I have to leave a little regular conditioner in my hair, use a thick serum (frizz ease) and comb or pick it out when it's still wet before I rinse out my conditioner. Then I can't touch it until it's dry. Otherwise my curls will get dry and look frizzy.
Your hair looks great! My hair is texturized too and I just started using African Royal Miracle Oil Moisterizer.This stuff really works wonders for my hair and isn't as heavy and greasy as Luster's Pink Moisterizer. Maybe that could solve your dryness problem.
Your hair is very cute
For the dryness, have you ever used avocado butter or shea butter? I've been transitioning for a few months now and I'm finding that those work better on my hair than the commercial stuff that I'd been using when I was fully relaxed. Oh, with the exception of Care Free Care Gold....sometimes when I don't have time to wash my hair and I need to revitalize, i'll use this.
I really like the texturizer and cut on you. It looks great!
nurseN98 said:
Your hair is very cute
For the dryness, have you ever used avocado butter or shea butter? I've been transitioning for a few months now and I'm finding that those work better on my hair than the commercial stuff that I'd been using when I was fully relaxed. Oh, with the exception of Care Free Care Gold....sometimes when I don't have time to wash my hair and I need to revitalize, i'll use this.

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Nurse, thanks for the advice!! I'm thinking of ordering the avocado butter from FNWL. How do you use it?? Is it soft enough to apply to the hair or does it have to be microwaved (like I do to my shea butter chunk)? Do you apply all over the hair, to the scalp or just to the ends??

JenMD and everyone else, thanks a lot for the compliments. Isis, the more I pass the mirror, the more I get used to my reflection. I do like it, I think!
Your hair looks great!! You could try profectiv Breakfree on your ends, that's the only thing I've found that keeps my hair moist and LOOKING moist.
MissDiva said:
I like it!!!
What kind of relaxer did you use and how long did you keep it in?

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MissDiva, The stylist used Kerasoft Mild Relaxer and he did it in two sections, front and back. The back we kept in for 10 mins, the front for 8-9 mins. I think next time I will cut the time down by 2 on the back and 3 mins on the front. I process very quickly!!

Everyone, thanks so much for your encouragements and advice!!

Ms. Brown, thanx!! I think he's cute too but I'm his mom so I'm a bit biased

Your hair looks longer than 4" to me. Please keep us updated on how you like your new look. It looks great!
CurlyCrly said:

Your hair looks longer than 4" to me. Please keep us updated on how you like your new look. It looks great!

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Yeah my hair is four inches and I dont have a much hang time as she does..even after a blow out. It looks about 6". Nice hair!