I finally see progress


Well-Known Member
7 weeks ago i relaxed by natural hair, had a ton trimmed off and started by journey all over again.............

I have gone from above the collar length to well below the collar in this short time...i would say 1 and a half inches. I went to the salon this morning for a wash (treated myself as its my birthday). She asked me what i have been doing as it also looks thicker.

What have i been doing?

---I wash my hair twice a week.
---Before every wash i use Philip Kinglsley's Elasticiser (its a purpose made pre-poo)
---I use ORS Creamy Aloe shampoo (cheleating as i have very hard water)
---KeraCare Humecto conditioner.

Leave hair soaking wet and apply KeraCare Leave-in and then rollerset, spraying on very diluted leave-in as i go.

I don't use a comb until i next wash, just my fingers.

I seek and destroy any split ends say, 3 times a week or when i see them.

Use Profective healthy ends and a mix of Ginseng Wonder 8 Oil, Rosemary Oil and Tea Tree Oil on the scalp.

Please don't post the 'No good without pics' smiley. I can only use my PC at work so can't post pics at the moment. Just thought i'd share my good news as i have been sooo careful with my hair and i'm now reaping the rewards.........besides it makes a change from me moaning about my hair.
Congrats.........Glad your hair is making progress....I can't wait to see pics.....i have one question...

What made you to relax?
Congrats.........Glad your hair is making progress....I can't wait to see pics.....i have one question...

What made you to relax?

Hey Tracycee I have told the long story so many times. I'll find one of my posts and pm you.