I finally relaxed after a 22 week stretch...


Well-Known Member
and my hair looks pretty thin and life less. It looks better today than it did when I first got it done yesterday though. For some reason my hair always looks better a few days later. But anyway, my ends are kind of raggedy though. I snipped some of them bc they were annoying me and the Dom salon was packed yesterday so I was trying to get out of there. I might go back in a week or two for a trim. If I knew they were going to be open today, I wouldn't have wasted my time in there yesterday. The first one I went to was closed and then by the time I got to the other one it was PACKED. I got there at 9:30 didn't get home until after 4 yesterday. My head didn't even get touched until 1. I didn't even let them blow me out I just had them wrap it once I took my rollers out. My hair's thin and dried prtety straight so it was alright. If I had waited I would've been there at least another hour. I got a deep condition after my relaxer but I don't think it did the job. My ends feel a little brittle. I noticed that it's shedding a bit too. My hair doesn't usually shed but I noticed that it was before I took the weave out around the edges in the back. I'm excited about the growth I got, so I don't really want a cut which was what my mother recommended. I'm pretty close to my goal now. It's touching my shoulders but I'd like it a little longer. I'm hoping the trim will suffice. My ends look a lot better since I clipped the frays but what would you ladies recommend as a treatment? I bought an ORS pack yesterday, which are hard to find around here. None of the BSS's have them. I just happened to be in Walgreens and saw it so I picked one up bc it was like $1.29. Will that work? Any other suggestions? Sorry if this post seems a bit scatterbrained. TIA...
Congratulations on 22 weeks of growth, how exciting. :grin: I bet you were so excited to see this in the mirror. I would of course follow up with deep conditioners/protein treatments.... but meanwhile, I would just dust (as needed) until you are satisfied with the ends. I would avoid a major trim..... you've put so much work into stretching/growth, and to trim all that off at once would derail your wonderful progress.
Alright, thanks. I've just been clipping the split ends as I see them. My mother was looking at me like I was crazy taking scissors to my head yesterday. :look: What kind of protein treatment would you recommend? I'm gonna try the ORS pack and then deep con with humectress like I usually do when I wash in a week or so. Is the Humectress and the ORS too much together?
Tene said:
Congrats and your hair looks nice!

Thanks! :kiss: But thats a wig in that picture... :sekret: I need to take some pictures of my hair and put them in my fotki. I don't think I've taken any since before 1st of the year. Maybe I'll do that this evening. Hmm... I think I'm gonna try the Emergencee as a protein treatment. We'll see what happens. I'm ready to get back into my weave though. My hair has been out 2 whole days and I've had a serious case of HIH. I though my HIH was bad with the weave. Now that the weave's out, it's RIDICULOUS. :lol: That's why I don't like it out bc I'll keep messing with it if I have a fresh relaxer and a wrap. Guess I better save my pennies so I can get my weave for graduation. One more month! I can't wait! :grin: