I finally posted some pics of my hair!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ladies (and gents), I finally posted some pics of my hair. I've been talking more about the board to my hair so I felt comfortable asking my husband to take pictures of my hair after my "in the bathroom in the mirror" attempts with my daughter's multi-purpose camera were failing miserably. My stepdaughter has a much better camera plus I didn't have to do any maneuvering.

Anyway, I'm in transition and this is my first attempt to flat-iron in over a year. I've been wearing it back the whole time. I didn't measure my hair. I didn't comb it down to see the true length. I did it so that my every day look would be easier. Since it took me so long to do it, (I promise I have 2 heads of hair) as I told my co-workers, I'll be doing this once every blue moon.

Next time, I'm going to wear it down. It looked so tame in the clip to my black co-workers and they were so shocked to see it down and so thick. One of the ladies wants me to get it "hard pressed" to see the true length because she could see that it wasn't totally straight. I told her that wasn't my goal but maybe when I'm totally natural (I'm planning on getting rid of ALL ends by next summer), I'll do that.

Big MAYBE. My husband doesn't care much for black women's hair down. His favorite style is the afro puff. Not an afro, but a puff. Which I can't sport yet because of these permed ends. But just wait. I'll be rocking that style to death just as soon as I get me some headbands.

The password is in my siggy but won't be there for long. So write it down. LOL!!
well, it's about time..lol..... your hair looks incredibly thick....and i love the length... very pretty... /images/graemlins/up.gif /images/graemlins/up.gif
Ohhhh, why have you been hiding all of this pretty hair from us?!? It's beautiful GMMP! /images/graemlins/weird.gif And I agree, you do have two heads of hair /images/graemlins/wink.gif.
LOVE IT!!! How much natural hair do you have? also how long have you been transitioning?? TIA /images/graemlins/smile.gif -- jainygirl
Wow!!! GodMadeMePretty , your hair is so thick, healthy and beautiful!

OT: I did not know that was your daughter in the pic, now we know where she got her hair's thickness from, she is beautiful by the way.......
I knew you would have a beautiful head of hair based on looking at your daughters hair in your avatar. You hair is fab-u-lous and I too love the thickeness.
/images/graemlins/spank.gif That's for not posting pics sooner!!! You hair is so THICK and heathy looking! Happy transitioning lady! /images/graemlins/Rose.gif
Thanks, ladies. You're making me blush.

@Sengs, I've been holding back because I look at all the albums and everybody's hair is ON POINT. And mine isn't. LOL!

@jainygirl, I have about 3-5 inches of permed ends left. My last relaxer was July 2003. I made the decision to officially transition, I believe in January.

@Ms_K, I love big hair too.

Thanks again, ladies, for the compliments. You all have made my day. /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Your hair is beautiful, GMMP!!

Your daughter is beautiful as well. Have you ever thought of getting her into modeling? She's such a doll!
What do you mean GMMP??? Your hair is SO on point!!!! I don't think most of us are big on style if that's what you mean. Most of us are rockin' the librarian look Monday-Friday, trust and believe.
Hard press = getting it bone straight.

[/ QUOTE ]

hard presses slowly but surely damaged my natural hair...dont do it! The thickness of your hair is beautiful /images/graemlins/clap.gif