I Finally posted pics in my Fotki!!

OMG!!!! Your hair is GORGEOUS!!! I love the v cut. You will be full BSL in the blink of an eye. EXCELLENT!! Thanks for sharing, another fotki to stalk.
I love your ringlets in the 3rd and 4th pics
your hair is so pretty, i wish i had your starting point lol

you'll reach your goal in no time.
Very pretty! :Rose:You'll reach your goal, quickly. HHG!
Your hair is so beautiful and healthy, I just told my co-worker I have to go and wash my hair tonight, so I can look like you.:spinning:
Your hair is gorgeous. It looks like you've been a member here for years. BTW, I :love: your closet.
Thanks everybody, you guys give me hope.:happydance: Kittenz, I make small parts and roll the rods from the bottom up. They looked like that because they were wind blown and slept on, but thanks. Pemuny, I don't quite have a concrete regimen yet. For the past couple of weeks I've been doing co-washes and protective styles, but I usually try to dc everyweek. That's the only consistent thing I really do.
Your hair looks great! You are very lucky to be STARTING with such a healthy head of hair... I know you'll meet your goals very shortly! Keep up whatever you are doing! :yep: