I finally paid for my subscription and I have questions


New Member
Hello all,

After peeking into this site from time to time, I have finally paid for my subscription and can now post! :D

Well, here's a little info about my hair situation: I'm a natural 4a/b. I've been natural for almost 3 years. My hair length is 13-15 inches from root to tip. Ummm, I use Elucence shampoos and conditioners, even though I'm looking for another conditioner. I like Carol's daughter's healthy hair butter and Infusium 23 leave in. BUT for some reason, I'm having a problem with split ends. I don't know where it's coming from because I use a protein conditioner once a month and I keep my hair in a twisted bun :confused: .

So here come the questions.

I've been reading a lot of posts about Dominican hair products and how well they work for a lot of folks. The last time I saw raves like this was when I was searching for a product like Elucence. Since all the raves for Elucence proved true, I was wondering if the raves for Dominican hair products will as well.

Okay, I'm looking for a really good Dominican protein conditioner, something that will keep my ends from spliting for no apparent reason. My question is, do Dominican conditioners contain silicon? If so, I can't use them :( . Can someone list the ingredients from her (or his) favorite Dominican conditioner?

:wave: Welcome to LHCF!!! as far your ends goes, you might wanna give yourself a light trim/dusting and by all means, keep your ends moisturized!!! And for the Dominican products, I HIGHLY reccommend Miss Keys 10 en 1 Conditioner! It's a cholestorl-like protein conditioner it's really great for deep conditioning! Happy Hair Growing! :yay:
jngn said:
Hello all,

After peeking into this site from time to time, I have finally paid for my subscription and can now post! :D

Well, here's a little info about my hair situation: I'm a natural 4a/b. I've been natural for almost 3 years. My hair length is 13-15 inches from root to tip. Ummm, I use Elucence shampoos and conditioners, even though I'm looking for another conditioner. I like Carol's daughter's healthy hair butter and Infusium 23 leave in. BUT for some reason, I'm having a problem with split ends. I don't know where it's coming from because I use a protein conditioner once a month and I keep my hair in a twisted bun :confused: .

So here come the questions.

I've been reading a lot of posts about Dominican hair products and how well they work for a lot of folks. The last time I saw raves like this was when I was searching for a product like Elucence. Since all the raves for Elucence proved true, I was wondering if the raves for Dominican hair products will as well.

Okay, I'm looking for a really good Dominican protein conditioner, something that will keep my ends from spliting for no apparent reason. My question is, do Dominican conditioners contain silicon? If so, I can't use them :( . Can someone list the ingredients from her (or his) favorite Dominican conditioner?

hey! welcome aboard!! the only dominican product i use is Salerm21 and love it to pieces!!!

it doesnt have silicon, but it does have 'cones and parabens in it....i havent had any ill effects at all. i believe it counts as a mild protein (someone will correct me if im wrong) and i dont have much in the way of split ends....

hope you find all the info youre looking for!!!
Thanks for making me feel so welcomed everyone :) .

I do hear a lot of good things about Miss Keys every where I look, I just might have to try it. Lovechic, you're probably right, my bun is twisted kind of tight. I also never take it down. Maybe I should go back to twists? But, I'm so scared to fiddle with my hair because it breaks and splits so easily.
jngn said:
Thanks for making me feel so welcomed everyone :) .

I do hear a lot of good things about Miss Keys every where I look, I just might have to try it. Lovechic, you're probably right, my bun is twisted kind of tight. I also never take it down. Maybe I should go back to twists? But, I'm so scared to fiddle with my hair because it breaks and splits so easily.
Try to handle your hair as gently as possible! Switch up the position of the bun if you see thinning/breakage in that area. Maybe you can wear a loose twist at night and bun it up in the morning so yuur hair won't experience "stress" from being in the same spot all the time! Moisture is the key! :yep:
lovechic said:
Try to handle your hair as gently as possible! Switch up the position of the bun if you see thinning/breakage in that area. Maybe you can wear a loose twist at night and bun it up in the morning so yuur hair won't experience "stress" from being in the same spot all the time! Moisture is the key! :yep:

I got your PM lovechic. I just looked at your photos, and you have very pretty hair. You're getting close to waist length, eh? So, whatever you have to say, I shall listen to :grin:
jngn said:
I got your PM lovechic. I just looked at your photos, and you have very pretty hair. You're getting close to waist length, eh? So, whatever you have to say, I shall listen to :grin:
:kiss: Awww thanks, jngn! We are all here to help! :)