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I don't know if you all remember my posts about how I got some hair glued in and suffered severe pain afterward. I'm still having pain, but I am a lot better, I guess I'm finally healing. I'll bump the posts for those who don't remember my story. OK, my Aunt Rosalind who is also a hair stylist buys hair from Kathy's shop. Kathy is the stylist that put my hair in that's causing me pain. Aunt Rosalind snooped around Kathy's shop to see if she could find out what happened to my head, sure enough she found out that Kathy uses super glue to put in tracks. So, in conclusion, what happened was that Kathy put hot super glue on my scalp, mixed with Hair Magic glue that contains rubber latex and those two products mixed causes a horrible chemical reaction. I've been told that super glue will burn through a latex glove when applied. So all of that in conjunction with the fact that it was put directly on my scalp is what happened, so I'm told. What is your opinion? Does that sound logical, do u think that's what really happened? And, where should I go from here to get treatment? Could an allergist help to reverse the reaction so I can get out of pain? I hope I explained everything clearly, I will bump my other posts.
We need to jump ole Kathy!Im not a hair expert but I think thats what caused your scalp issue, and I do remember your post. Maybe you should go back to the doctor since you have more specifics and see if there can be something else done. I hope it works out for you!
OMG...are you serious?!
That is horrible. I dont remember your post from before, so I dont know exactly what types of ills u were having because of this, but I would go to a doctor. He or she should be able to do something to help.

Now about this Kathy...have you asked her about it? Because maybe she doesnt know, and its a shame for it to happen to someone else.
thanks for your input. well, I tried to bump my other posts but it wouldn't allow me and it just said 'post already exists'.
This is terrible! How can a professional hair stylist even remotely decide to put super glue on anyone's scalp? Not only should her license be revoked, but she should also get a lesson or two on simple logic. In the meantime, I definitely think you should see someone about your scalp, regardless of anything, and then go from there. Good luck to you and let us know how it goes. Sorry this happened.
That is unbelievable! You should complain to somebody, maybe the Better Business Bureau , or get her licence taken away or SOMETHING!! I feel awful for you. I can't fathom why a "hair stylist" would do that. I agree that you should see a doctor. Then take action against her!!!
Also, I don't understand why put the glue on your SCALP? The times I've had tracks glued in they were only glued to my hair. I am so sorry about this displaymate. I don't know alot about this but maybe some aloe gel will help to soothe the pain. Still, you should see someone...they could probably prescribe some kind of topical solution to help it heal.
omg...i just read the earlier post about this...it has to be pretty serious if its still hurting...that sucks so much...i just hope you dont have major scalp damage because of this!
Ok...that sounds really sick. Would she do something like that to cut cost and save herself a few bucks on hair glue?

If that is what is really going on...she needs to be exposed.

If she covertly did that to your hair...she has done that to others. You HAVE to write a letter...at least to let her know of what you suspect. Send a copy to the BBB and the hair board in your area. It will at least put her on notice that someone is watching.

She really should be made to pay for your medical bills and pain and suffering. Not to mention a fee for malicious, neglegent behavior like this.

She is dangerous.
Girl, I feel so badly for you

Please go to your doctor IMMEDIATELY! If your scalp is still hurting, this is serious. Plus, I'm worried that the follicles in those areas might be damaged.

In the meantime, I would also suggest you apply Aloe Vera gel to those areas (as the other poster suggested). Aubrey's Organics Pure Aloe Vera Gel is excellent. I hope everything works out.
this Kathy person calls herself a 'hair stylist'? I agree you should go to see a dr or dermatologist asap and look into what you can do to try and get this 'hair stylist's' license taken away. She sounds like a menace.

Good luck
thanks everybody. and pookeylou, yes Kathy is doing this to save money. Another question is, my scalp had puss and blood sores and other bumps for about 7 weeks after this happened and was also swollen, my scalp looks pretty good now, but another hair stylist told me that my scalp has to heal internally which is why I'm still having pain. Do you think that is a fact? What is your opinion?
If I was you dwsplaymate, I would be calling Judge Mathis, Judge Maybelline, Judge Milian, or Judge Dred to sue her trifling butt. That was beyond unprofessional.