
I am hoping that my color damage does not hurt my hair in the long run. I will never use a permanent color again! :nono: My texture has definitely changed. I have to work harder at getting my curls to pop.:ohwell: I am still happy I BCD, though.:yep: I currently use Eco styler olive oil gel for curl def. I will use KCCC until my color damage fades. It makes my hair look like it used to before the color damage. I used Clairoil Silken Black and I wish I would have just stuck to using their semi perm color instead. :wallbash: The Jheri curl challenge using HS 14 spray makes my hair more hydrated and it looks so much better. Please advise me on what to do about color damage. As of right now, I co wash daily with VO5 Moisture Milks conditioner. To clarify, I use their conditioner as well as Aphoghee damage poo. I think I should use the whole Aphoghee system 1X a month.
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I dont know anything about color/damage but just wanted to say welcome to the bc club! I remember you just finished a year stretch, and now you chopped. I visited your fotki and your curlies were poppin in one of the pics!

Good Luck
My texture loosens with color but I find it to be temporary. If I use a protien conditioner it usually snaps right back. If I am feeling the texlaxed look, I just CW for a couple days, and even at that it shrinks back to its normal state in a week or so. Your texture change might just be temporary.
Well it is about time you post them BC Pics! LOL!! It looks good. Jherri Juice is the only thing that can keep my hair soft, I am too gonna start using the Aphogee Protein Treatment about every 8-12 weeks!!!
Congrats! Aww...look at you juicing and working dat hurr!

:poke: But I'ma need you to use a paper towel and wipe off all the shine along the perimeter/neck and stop giving away the secret nah! :rolleyes: Can't let e'rybody and their momma know how you getcho hurr lookin' so good nah! :look:
My texture loosens with color but I find it to be temporary. If I use a protien conditioner it usually snaps right back. If I am feeling the texlaxed look, I just CW for a couple days, and even at that it shrinks back to its normal state in a week or so. Your texture change might just be temporary.

Can you recommend a good protein conditioner? I am trying to get a good regimen down pat. I am also wondering if using a rinse would be less damaging than a permanent color. I pray the texture change is temporary. I don't intend to cut my hair even if it's not temporary. I am just so happy and now the true journey begins. I'm never relaxing again. If I have trouble with my hair, I can become a strait natural. I have a lot of learning and style practicing to do! I wish the front of my hair was as long as the back. I can do some 2 strand twists at the nape.
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