i FINALLY got a compliment...


New Member
...but of course, it wasn't to my face.

i pulled a double at work yesterday because we got SLAMMED and we only had 6 freakin servers on the floor. :wallbash: so i was running my butt off, taking small parties (8-14 people) on my own, juggling 4-5 tables at a time, helping out newbies, bussing tables, rolling silverware, and running other people's food. so when i say running literally i was all over the restaruant. i ran food to a table to a pregnant lady, asked her if she needed anything else and she said no, she was fine. so i went around the corner to enter in an order for one of my tables, and her original server came up to see how she was enjoying her food. the pregnant lady said, "i just have to know where the girl who brought my food out gets her hair done... it's so thick and pretty and her ponytail has so much swing to it!" (i assume from all the running i was doing... LOL :lachen: )

my co-worker responded, "oh, she does it herself... normally it's big and curly. we didn't even know her hair was that long until she straightened it this week." i wanted to eavesdrop more, but i had too much work to do. :look: but finally! after several days of getting mean looks and snotty comments from chicks, i got to hear something positive! :grin:
Glad you finally heard a great compliment - Feels good when people take time to say something nice rather than something mean

I agree with the lady - You hair looks beautiful :)
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Yeah lady!!! Im soo glad for you... I cannot believe this is the first time....Girl if you ever need a pick me up we are here to support you....Your hair is fabulous!!! Saw you on the bsl thread, you will definately make it!!!
Yayyyy!!! Good for you, it's always nice to hear something positive, isn't it? You get tired of negativity and haterism (if that's even a word:grin:) and it does your brain and confidence good to hear someone say something positive about you, even if it's not directly said to you. BTW, beautiful hair girlie, so pretty!!
Your first one and many more to come! I'm not natural but when i look at your hair and others sometimes...:grin: I think your hair is beautiful!!!
Im so glad you posted, you chopped all your hair off. Your hair is beautiful. You are one of my inspirations if you have a fotki i will be stalking it. Thanks.
thank you ladies! i know it shouldn't matter but here we all support and compliment each other... but IRL a lot of people are just downright mean. i get stares wearing my hair in a coily fro... but since it doesn't LOOK long, i don't get harrassed. but i wear my hair straight for 4-5 days, and chicks i don't even know make it a point to throw daggers with their eyes and say rude things to me. :nono:

some of my friends didn't believe that i could grow my natural hair long, and now they're seeing it grow and are supportive and starting to ask for advice. so at least it's not all bad... i got a few people in my corner. :yep: