I feel like such a failure (sort of rant).


Well-Known Member
Ok. So this Friday will be 18 weeks since my last relaxer. I can't believe I've gone this long with my hair being "out." I mean, I wear wigs and now started bunning (somewhat), but I normally wear braids.

I wanted to go for as long as I could with my own hair being out, but nothing I seem to do is working.

I was wearing full wigs for a while, but they were horrible on my edges (even with a silk cap on). I wear 1/2 wigs, but I have to take the comb out the back and the wig rides up (even with pins in the back).

I wanted to start bunning, but only if I use heat which I am trying desperately not to do. I like co-washing but no matter what product I use, my hair is horrible. It does not take well to being wet every other day. There's a lot of moisture, but my hair is not smooth (for lack of a better word).

So, I've decided that I'm going back to old faithful...braids. I want to stretch for a VERY long time, and it's the ONLY thing that's worked for me in the past. I just have to accept it and move on. LOL.

I just wanted to say congrats to you ladies that can co-wash daily or several times a week and then put a scarf on.

Guess I won't be in the bunning club after all. :lachen:
Ok. So this Friday will be 18 weeks since my last relaxer. I can't believe I've gone this long with my hair being "out." I mean, I wear wigs and now started bunning (somewhat), but I normally wear braids.

I wanted to go for as long as I could with my own hair being out, but nothing I seem to do is working.

I was wearing full wigs for a while, but they were horrible on my edges (even with a silk cap on). I wear 1/2 wigs, but I have to take the comb out the back and the wig rides up (even with pins in the back).

I wanted to start bunning, but only if I use heat which I am trying desperately not to do. I like co-washing but no matter what product I use, my hair is horrible. It does not take well to being wet every other day. There's a lot of moisture, but my hair is not smooth (for lack of a better word).

So, I've decided that I'm going back to old faithful...braids. I want to stretch for a VERY long time, and it's the ONLY thing that's worked for me in the past. I just have to accept it and move on. LOL.

I just wanted to say congrats to you ladies that can co-wash daily or several times a week and then put a scarf on.

Guess I won't be in the bunning club after all. :lachen:

Dont worry...atleast you are finding out what is working for your hair!Isn't that what its all about??
Bunning is not for everyone....So if braids help you go through stretches then go for it!!!
Girl, don't feel bad. Braids are what works for me too and as soon as I can afford extensions, I'ma return to living in them. So save me a seat when you get there. ;)
Girl, don't feel bad. Braids are what works for me too and as soon as I can afford extensions, I'ma return to living in them. So save me a seat when you get there. ;)

Thanks ladies.

The GOOD thing in all of this is: My mom used to braid hair growing up (she put me through Catholic school for a while doing that). She also used to braid my hair so I got great growth then. She actually taught me how to braid, so I am lucky enough to be able to braid my own hair.

It's gonna be a long weekend though. LOL.
You are not a failure. What works for some may not work for all. Do what works for you so that you can enjoy growing your hair:yep:!
Girl please, when transitioning there was no way I could've gotton my hair to lay down, period. It might lay down for an hour max. I still dont know how these other stretchers do it. Twist-outs did work for me though when co-washing but I rarely have enough time to do all that. Have you tried twist-out/braid-outs. They may work for you as well. But nothing wrong with braids. That was my favorite transition/stretch style too.
^^ Y'all are right.

I think I might try a braid out before the week is over before I braid my hair and see how it turns out.
I say do what works for you...don't feel like a failure :nono:.

There are a TON of tips and techniques on LHCF and other hair sites, but not everything works for everybody. Switching it up from time to time helps a lot. Maybe you can trying bunning and co-washing again at a later time, or maybe not.
Failure? No way! 18 weeks is an admirable amount of time already :-)

Braidouts work really well for me, I agree that you should try them out.

I don't bun, I twist my hair and hold it up with hair pins very loosely and use a head/alice band to hold down my hair.

Ideas for protective styles: http://public.fotki.com/MummysGirl/transition-to-natural/hairdos-while-trans/
and some in here: http://public.fotki.com/MummysGirl/hair/hairstyles/

I cowash 2ce a week and always DC after, I too don't think my hair will do well with being wet every other day.

Good luck and HHG :-)
I agree with Pink Pebbles! And remember that braids make hair grow faster than normal! I would use them as a form of protective styling if only I can find someone that will do them without damaging my hairline.
18 weeks of stretching is not a failure. Like everyone else said "Do what works for you and your hair" I can't co-wash that often either - 2x's a week is max for me. If I co-washed then bunned my hair would never dry and it would probably start rotting at the crown. I'm 12 weeks post texlax today and I'm not going to texlax this Sunday as I originally planned. I'm impressed you made it 18 weeks. I want to stretch another 12 weeks so I'm looking up to you. You're doing a lot better than me.
HEY do what works for you i wear braids for 8 months every year now cause i cant wear a bun cause my bun looks like its on crack:lachen:i cant wear a braid out cause i look bad like i didnt do my hair and i lose HAIR. nothing works for me but my braids.IF MY HEAD GET COLD I PUT ON MY WIG OVER IT:yep:.and its easy for me to conwash/deepcon/protein treatment in them all i have to do is rebraid and mois/seal and air dry am done.YOUR NOT A FAILURE YOUR HAIR IS JUST SAYING I LOVE BRAIDS:lachen:i am doing this until may 09 i started in oct 08 then my 8 montths is over.i only wear my hair out for five months out of the year its sad but my hair dont like the winter months.may be i should move where there nice sun shine all year around lol at least 65 lol
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No reason to feel like a failure, just do what works for you. Just a tip, if you wear a half wig and take the combs out, put pins (the large kind) all around the perimeter of your hair, not just the back. That worked a lot better for me.

I agree with Pink Pebbles! And remember that braids make hair grow faster than normal! I would use them as a form of protective styling if only I can find someone that will do them without damaging my hairline.

Braids DO NOT make hair grow faster than normal.
No reason to feel like a failure, just do what works for you. Just a tip, if you wear a half wig and take the combs out, put pins (the large kind) all around the perimeter of your hair, not just the back. That worked a lot better for me.

Braids DO NOT make hair grow faster than normal.

Yeah. I take the combs out in the back b/c they were jacking my nape up! I use the big pins for the back and they do work better than the combs.
No reason to feel like a failure, just do what works for you. Just a tip, if you wear a half wig and take the combs out, put pins (the large kind) all around the perimeter of your hair, not just the back. That worked a lot better for me.

Braids DO NOT make hair grow faster than normal.

They DO for ME! I get more growth when I wear braids. I stopped braiding my hair because it was breaking my edges.
They DO for ME! I get more growth when I wear braids. I stopped braiding my hair because it was breaking my edges.

How is it exactly the braiding your hair causes an internal process to increase its output? Do your follicles somehow get a message that the length of your hair is in braids and then decide to grow more than they usually do? Please explain how this process works so that I can market it because I know a whole lot of women on this site will come out of the pocket for it.

Braids are a protective style so it's more likely that you are seeing more retention of the hair that you grow because your ends are being protected instead of being manipulated and breaking off.
How is it exactly the braiding your hair causes an internal process to increase its output? Do your follicles somehow get a message that the length of your hair is in braids and then decide to grow more than they usually do? Please explain how this process works so that I can market it because I know a whole lot of women on this site will come out of the pocket for it.

Braids are a protective style so it's more likely that you are seeing more retention of the hair that you grow because your ends are being protected instead of being manipulated and breaking off.

No way to prove it, but some believe that the tension created by the braids stimulates the hair follicles and thus increases blood flow to the scalp which in turn increases growth. People who exercise regularly get a similar effect from increased blood flow.
Have you tried vinegar rinses? Vinegar rinses help make hair smoother by helping the cuticle to lie down.
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