I feel Like Sponge Bob


Well-Known Member
I need some serious suggestions. MTG has my hair so thick that I cannot do anything with it. I my hair is very thick and spongy. Will someone please tell me how to manage a hairstyle. How are all you MTG users styling your hair? So far, all I can do is stick a wig on my hair. I'm going back to work soon and I need suggestion from ladies who maintain a conservative look for the office. I don't mind a nice bun but my hair won't lay down because of the new growth and thickness. After the big chop in April my hair is almost shoulder length. Thanks in advance.
Just wet a medium soft bristle (natural boar) brush with warm water, and brush your hair back to the ears then put it up in a bun, tie with a silk scarf overnite. Hair should be lying flat next day and at the back your hair will be in a thick bun. Works for me. I do this after< i section my freshly washed hair---oil with a little homemade wildgrowth...and just do that everynite before I go to bed...only if necessary. Bonjour. I LOVE THE MTG EFFECT!!!!