I feel like kicking this Tr***'s ***!


New Member
Well I have been complaining about ever since my last relaxer which was in october that my hair seemed thinner like I lost a lot of volume and limp. Well when I went to get my hair braided the hairdresser told me my hair had been overprocessed as I suspected all along. My so called friend who will no longer be a friend had been relaxing my hair for a while cause our hairdresser couldn't do it cause she was being investigated for welfare fraud. This last time she did it she left it in a little longer cause she said that's what it said on the container. I used the new formula of vitale life and body and it she said on this one it said to leave it in a little longer. Well afterwards my hair looke fried and dry and brittle and I had broken strands. She's gonna tell me it's limp cause of all the products I'm using. After the relaxer I had a lot of hair come out like I was shedding real bad. But my hair has made a turn around cause I immediately used porosity control, protein conditioners, co washes, and deep conditioning, and no heat. I am also using surge, wgo, mtg, and wearing braids to give my hair a rest so it is looking and doing a lot better. To be honest I think she is jealous of me and my hair cause she was always talking about how it was growing long and nice looking and longer than hers. I told her today what the lady told me and she gets an attitude and says that from all that sh!t you're putting in your hair. I said how can using conditioner overprocess your hair. She said well I don't care it ain't my hair. I told her overprocessing comes from leaving in a relaxer too long not using conditioner. She said well get somebody else to do your hair and I told her I already have someone. She said who and I told her the girl that braided my hair. She asked me when was I getting my hair done and I told her I don't know. I am so tired of incompetent people fu*king up my hair. I didn't spend all this time taking care of my hair and growing it for someone azzhole to fu*k it up. I should've known she was incompetent from looking at her hair. Her hair looks like sh!t and is still the same length it's been for years.
Woah girl!!!!!! You are mad!! And it's totally understandable (is that a word??). Anyways, don't lose a friendship over this..just (as you said) don't let her do your hair. Sometimes I think it's better to do your own hair-if you can because nobody loves your hair more than you. Good for you for taking charge and taking the right steps to getting your hair back into good condition. That's one great thing you get from these boards...answers and solutions:)
determine3 said:
Woah girl!!!!!! You are mad!! And it's totally understandable (is that a word??). Anyways, don't lose a friendship over this..just (as you said) don't let her do your hair. Sometimes I think it's better to do your own hair-if you can because nobody loves your hair more than you. Good for you for taking charge and taking the right steps to getting your hair back into good condition. That's one great thing you get from these boards...answers and solutions:)

I'm agreeing. I'm sorry your friend messed up your hair but it may be unintentional, that's why relaxers are for professionals to do (we know they don't always do it right either!). Some times it's best to take matters into your own hands as I think you have and do it yourself. DOn't worry your hair will be back to health in no time!:)
I understand you being mad..but also recognize that she may also be jealous of your hairs length and texture..so i wouldnt allow her to my hair again...the same thing happened to me when i was back in college...i had just took my weave/braids out..and i went and instead of getting a relaxer that i knew...i thought i would go with a TCB naturals...because i just thought of the ingredients in it would be good for my hair...so then i wanted my relaxer to come out good because i really didnt know too much about applying relaxers that well(i would apply it and probably overprocess by applying to the new growth and the the ends)...but i allowed this girl that stayed next door to me to put my relaxer in...and after that my hair broke off so bad..but i couldnt blame her because she seemed like she did it right...it may have been my fault because of that type of relaxer...ive never brought another TCB relaxer again...but anyway just try to calm down..and concentrate on getting your hair back in a good healthy condition..
I tend to agree with bluediamond. Girl, I'm sorry to say that your friend is probably jealous. I went to a hairdresser that said "ooohhhhh girl your hair is longer than mine!!!!" something said "get the hell up right now and walk out", but I thought I was being silly. That ***** took out my hair. Left the relaxer on too long and then told me that it wasn't the relaxer. I just left it alone and said my goodbyes. My hair was below my shoulders, thicker than it is now, and shiny. I had to get it cut above chin length. I was so mad and hurt. She saw me the other day and was like heyyyyyy when are you coming to see me. I'm like heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I'm not. :) :lol: :look: Find a stylist that knows what they're doing and baby your hair. I found mine via that tragedy and she's truly been a god send. She understands the meaning of being on a budget and she's never scissor happy. She actually cares about the health of my hair. That's the way it's supposed to be ya know?

You hit on something important though. If you notice the person who does your hair hair's jacked up... get out. If their kid's hair looks a hot wreck (short from relaxer damage).... run....swiftly. I went to a lady waaaaaay back in the day and she over processed my bra strap length thick hair and I had to get it buzzed. Listen to that lil voice. I'm shutting up now. :p
Tene said:
Well I have been complaining about ever since my last relaxer which was in october that my hair seemed thinner like I lost a lot of volume and limp. Well when I went to get my hair braided the hairdresser told me my hair had been overprocessed as I suspected all along. My so called friend who will no longer be a friend had been relaxing my hair for a while cause our hairdresser couldn't do it cause she was being investigated for welfare fraud. This last time she did it she left it in a little longer cause she said that's what it said on the container. I used the new formula of vitale life and body and it she said on this one it said to leave it in a little longer. Well afterwards my hair looke fried and dry and brittle and I had broken strands. She's gonna tell me it's limp cause of all the products I'm using. After the relaxer I had a lot of hair come out like I was shedding real bad. But my hair has made a turn around cause I immediately used porosity control, protein conditioners, co washes, and deep conditioning, and no heat. I am also using surge, wgo, mtg, and wearing braids to give my hair a rest so it is looking and doing a lot better. To be honest I think she is jealous of me and my hair cause she was always talking about how it was growing long and nice looking and longer than hers. I told her today what the lady told me and she gets an attitude and says that from all that sh!t you're putting in your hair. I said how can using conditioner overprocess your hair. She said well I don't care it ain't my hair. I told her overprocessing comes from leaving in a relaxer too long not using conditioner. She said well get somebody else to do your hair and I told her I already have someone. She said who and I told her the girl that braided my hair. She asked me when was I getting my hair done and I told her I don't know. I am so tired of incompetent people fu*king up my hair. I didn't spend all this time taking care of my hair and growing it for someone azzhole to fu*k it up. I should've known she was incompetent from looking at her hair. Her hair looks like sh!t and is still the same length it's been for years.
I'm sorry but I couldn't get past the bolded point. :lol: :lol:
If you notice the person who does your hair hair's jacked up... get out. If their kid's hair looks a hot wreck (short from relaxer damage).... run....swiftly.
can't stop laughing:lachen: Y'all crack me up!!
I forgot to ask this question. Can your hair be overprocessed and still have waves in it? I thought if it would be overprocessed you wouldn't have any waves it would be super straight. I still have waves on top and around the edges just like I did before this mishap.
Tene said:
I forgot to ask this question. Can your hair be overprocessed and still have waves in it? I thought if it would be overprocessed you wouldn't have any waves it would be super straight. I still have waves on top and around the edges just like I did before this mishap.

My hair did... and it was extremely dry and breaking ALL over. I had to get it cut and have conditioning treatments. I had scalp damage too. Scabs from the chemical burns. I just used oils and got serious conditioning treatments every two weeks.
Girl good question- I'm waiting on that answer too because the description you gave of your hair matches mine when I relaxed it, so I'm wondering if I overprocessed it (I used TCB) but my hair is kinda texturized still- still has waves/curls but very limp, very thin, very brittle. It also came out in clumps initially...
This is one of the reasons why I like Dominican Salons better; in my experience most of them have long hair so they're not stressing over yours and they don't seem to have the "black hair should only be this long" stigma.
We gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. Good riddance, no need to look back. It truly is horrible some of the things people do, those who are considered hair care professionals...And then have the nerve to not articulate a point or give good info--that's a no-no. You have every rite to be upset...