I feel like I just had a talk with the devil...


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it was the devil but...

I broke up with this guy because I knew that the relationship was not right, conversations were not of God, and we were not on the same spiritual path. So he still hasn't come to terms with it and he calls today and wants to rehash the whole breakup. I explain that I need to be by myself, I realize he was not the one for me and that I am changing my life to live for God.

He states:

"Why fool yourself into believing that this time you are really going to live for God, all you will do is fall and fail and make the same mistakes that you have made your whole life"

"I feel like you are judging me...you are just as sinful and EVIL as I am, its human nature, you are going to sin over and over again, you can never change your inherent nature"

"How can you expect to find a spiritual man, living for God...its just not going to happen...I know scripture, I go to church, I'm more RELIGIOUS than you anyway...if you find a more spiritual person good luck, especially good luck on someone who doesn't just want you just because of your looks and your body"

"This is just a phase, you run to God when you are stressed out and as soon as things are ok you will go back to your little evil ways, just stop being inconsistent"

"Its going to take you years to break the bond we had"

"This is just another mood swing...you will be back, I can manipulate you because I know you so well"

After further statements I stopped him and stated:

"I feel that we cannot be friends anymore and I cannot talk to you ever again because you have disrespected and hurt me. Have a merry Christmas and Happy New Year."

He states " Wow...look at this child of God...is that how a child of God would respond? What about forgiveness? You can't talk to me again? What if you look me up and I have died within that time...how would you feel knowing that you said that to me?"

I just had to go.

I praise GOD because I know He has changed me. When I got off the phone all I could do was pray for him. Even after all that I still have no hard feelings for him and I can move on...he just doesn't understand.

The eerie thing was that those quotes he said were the same things that I hear sometimes when I'm trying to grow closer to God and I know that it is nothing but the enemy...it sent some shivers down my spine...
I'm glad you understand that the devil is a LIAR!!!!

God will provide, in His time, all your needs. Keep praying and may God bless you.
You were right to dump him girl, seriously, you dodged a big ole bullet ending it with that idiot. Block his numbers, his boys numbers AND his mammas an'em numbers. Then spend some time thanking the Lord for showing you this fools true nature, intent and feelings about you and your walk.

Jesus is good girl AND faithful. He said He would not leave us ignorant to what was going on around us if we would just stop and listen to what He has to say and to show us. You listened and He saved you from a life of misery:yep:

Can you imagine the mess you would have gone through if you had married that fool?:nono: Girl, thank Jesus, I'm thanking Him with you:yep:
At first I was just like I'm about to hang up in the middle of his sentence...then as he continued I was just dumbfounded, like I couldn't even move...he said he sort of lost his mind when we broke up...I believe it...but I'm glad he let his true self shine through so I can know who he really is...Praise be to GOD! :yep:
wow.......:perplexed. The two of you are not equally yoked :nono: What type of man would mock God? A fool! He has shown you who he truly is, so believe him and run like heck!

I can manipulate you because I know you so well

Continue to pray for him (he really needs it) but keep your distance as well. I thank God that you have the right mindset after a conversation like that and pray that He will keep you in perfect peace about the situation.
Glory to God in the highest!! The devil is persistent when trying to hurt God's children!! I am glad He opened your eyes!!
At first I was just like I'm about to hang up in the middle of his sentence...then as he continued I was just dumbfounded, like I couldn't even move...he said he sort of lost his mind when we broke up...I believe it...but I'm glad he let his true self shine through so I can know who he really is...Praise be to GOD! :yep:

You need to be aware that the devil is very pissed off with you right now for not falling for his trap. Also beware of but not afraid of the men that you are about to meet. satan becomes more and more subtle as you fling off his snares. He doesn't know what you'll fall for exactly but he's been watching you and has a file on you and knows what you like and what you want by listening to you and your prayers(do you speak in tongues?).

The next one he sends is gonna be on point:grin:. You won't be able to tell that he's sent and he won't know the devil sent him either. You stay close to God and listen to what Jesus tells you the moment you lay eyes on these brothers and He wil let you know which are the ones that HE has sent and which are the devil's.:yep: Watch God work girl and enjoy. It's an amazing sight to see:yep:
You need to be aware that the devil is very pissed off with you right now for not falling for his trap. Also beware of but not afraid of the men that you are about to meet. satan becomes more and more subtle as you fling off his snares. He doesn't know what you'll fall for exactly but he's been watching you and has a file on you and knows what you like and what you want by listening to you and your prayers(do you speak in tongues?).

The next one he sends is gonna be on point:grin:. You won't be able to tell that he's sent and he won't know the devil sent him either. You stay close to God and listen to what Jesus tells you the moment you lay eyes on these brothers and He wil let you know which are the ones that HE has sent and which are the devil's.:yep: Watch God work girl and enjoy. It's an amazing sight to see:yep:

I'm a witness to this.... down to the EYE COLOR this happened to me.... I specified an "unusual" eye color in my comprehensive description of my "perfect" man and BOY DID HE SHOW UP...and not for my good.... but thank the Lord for discernment and for letting the traps emerge before I got (too) caught up.... well, what had happened was that he moved out of my state....

I gotta say that when I read this ""Its going to take you years to break the bond we had", that kinda made me laugh...because I was appalled (shocked but not surprised) at the "purity" of the demonic activity....

So OP, after you get past the shock, it's time to buckle down and pray for the Lord's supernatural protection/covering, and deliverance from the (emotional and/or sexual?) soul ties that may have formed while you were in this relationship.

And we thank the Lord for giving you strength.

I agree w/ MsHoney, change ur number(s) and ditch his. One thing he said is true (if you two were intimate) and that is you have a bond that is difficult to break. My Pastor's father used to teach us that when we are intimate a bond is created because the two flesh become one. When they separate there is a ripping or tearing apart (one of the reasons that God hates divorce). I also remember another minister using fingerprints on glass as an illustration. The more people we allow to be intimate with us (this can mean actual sex or any sexually intimate physical contact) is like a windowpane. (I know I messed up the story but hopefully u get it) A new window pane is clean and clear lets light in/out and you can see in/out clearly. As one is intimate with more people it is like putting fingerprints on the window to the point that it is visibly dirty. You keep cleaning the one side of the glass but it is still cloudy. The other side has the fingerprints too but you can't get to them as easily. Intimacy with a person is a bond. Like MsHoney said, you can be free and be thankful he's outta there. You did just fine and you will be fine. Just don't go back. He may even try to come at you with the I repented I'm a new man in Christ we can see each other again mess. Time will reveal if he is just baiting you. If he does come at you like that, beware and be patient and wait on the Lord to okay it. Also, pray for him as well.


1 Corinthians 6:16: (KJV)
What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

From The Message translation:
16 -20There's more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, "The two become one." Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the kind of sex that can never "become one." There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for "becoming one" with another. Or didn't you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don't you see that you can't live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.

Wow it sounds a lot like the stuff the devil tell folks all the time. Sadly enough people fall for it. He may not be the devil but he was probably working for him when he called you. Praise God you were able to recognize what was happening and got away. Much love to you girlie. :kiss: Q
I hate to say it was the devil but...

I broke up with this guy because I knew that the relationship was not right, conversations were not of God, and we were not on the same spiritual path. So he still hasn't come to terms with it and he calls today and wants to rehash the whole breakup. I explain that I need to be by myself, I realize he was not the one for me and that I am changing my life to live for God.

I am glad you have gotten rid of him. Never return, never! He is a dangerous guy and exhibiting signs of an abuser. He uses emotional manipulation to get you to feel guilty and give him what he wants, which is to put you down through words. He was right, he IS evil.

Never focus on the evil one but on G-d alone. Be wise as a serpent and meek as a lamb....but look to G-d. Don't concern yourself with what the evil one thinks of you. Go to G-d every time you fail, He is there awaiting you like His bride. G-d bless you.
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Thanks everyone for the advice! No, I've never spoken in tongues before...if you pray in tongues is that something that the devil cannot understand? I was just looking up some things on speaking in tongues the other day because I don't know much about it...

I just know from these past two guys I've dealt with that I need to really pray for a discerning spirit concerning the people that I have relationships with. I'[m just hoping the new year brings in some better things...LOL

I even was contemplating joining a dating website...I even wrote a thread...no one responded, lol...then I felt a nagging that said no, don't even go there...so I'm not. I just need to sit down and reevaluate some things in my life and become the woman that God wants me to be...and let the man that is supposed to be for me find ME. I am not supposed to be the one pursuing anyway...

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
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Go ahead girl, its good you got outta that... no need to remind you that you have the victory...
Just understand this: The devil is a liar and he is the father of lies.
John 8:44 (King James Version)

44Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

I will pray that you will find a mate through Christ and I ask that you will pray that God will find one for me also. I thank God because he gave you spiritual discernment.

I went through this exact situation. My ex repeated some of the same words as your ex. So, I do understand what you are talking about. My ex had a unclean spirit in him and it was a nightmare dealing with him. There are people in this world with unclean spirits and I'm glad that you see that.

I also thank God that you are believer and my sister in Christ. :yep:
I hate to say it was the devil but...

I broke up with this guy because I knew that the relationship was not right, conversations were not of God, and we were not on the same spiritual path. So he still hasn't come to terms with it and he calls today and wants to rehash the whole breakup. I explain that I need to be by myself, I realize he was not the one for me and that I am changing my life to live for God.

He states:

"Why fool yourself into believing that this time you are really going to live for God, all you will do is fall and fail and make the same mistakes that you have made your whole life"

"I feel like you are judging me...you are just as sinful and EVIL as I am, its human nature, you are going to sin over and over again, you can never change your inherent nature"

"How can you expect to find a spiritual man, living for God...its just not going to happen...I know scripture, I go to church, I'm more RELIGIOUS than you anyway...if you find a more spiritual person good luck, especially good luck on someone who doesn't just want you just because of your looks and your body"

"This is just a phase, you run to God when you are stressed out and as soon as things are ok you will go back to your little evil ways, just stop being inconsistent"

"Its going to take you years to break the bond we had"

"This is just another mood swing...you will be back, I can manipulate you because I know you so well"

After further statements I stopped him and stated:

"I feel that we cannot be friends anymore and I cannot talk to you ever again because you have disrespected and hurt me. Have a merry Christmas and Happy New Year."

He states " Wow...look at this child of God...is that how a child of God would respond? What about forgiveness? You can't talk to me again? What if you look me up and I have died within that time...how would you feel knowing that you said that to me?"

I just had to go.

I praise GOD because I know He has changed me. When I got off the phone all I could do was pray for him. Even after all that I still have no hard feelings for him and I can move on...he just doesn't understand.

The eerie thing was that those quotes he said were the same things that I hear sometimes when I'm trying to grow closer to God and I know that it is nothing but the enemy...it sent some shivers down my spine...

I know that i'm bringing up another old thread:look: but this really hit me because it brings up what I've been through. It reminds me that I obviously don't really know what LOVE and what a relationship is because there was this one guy who had a really powerful hold on me. He was really abusive AND he had a girlfriend. I was forced into this relationship. I was on campus in school one time and he would literally drag me into the car kicking and screaming with everyone watching. Anyway. Just brought chills up my spine. :sad:
Girl, it's okay to bring up old threads that why you can bump them :yep:. I don't know how I missed it. This thread made me mad at first, then I thought to myself this must be an extraordinary woman of God. The call on her life is great and the enemy was/is working hard to bind her and keep her distracted with heathens that will suppress her and keep her from fulfilling her purpose.
Girl, it's okay to bring up old threads that why you can bump them :yep:. I don't know how I missed it. This thread made me mad at first, then I thought to myself this must be an extraordinary woman of God. The call on her life is great and the enemy was/is working hard to bind her and keep her distracted with heathens that will suppress her and keep her from fulfilling her purpose.

ITA I can very much see this as evidence in my own life and relationships. And I'm glad that God showed her what she was worth/capable off. This really resonates with me because I've been through the same type of situation